~Chapter 1

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Black and white. It's all you can see. Just the same shades of those few colours everyday. Until you find someone special, that is. Your soul mate. Your significant other, bound by fate. The moment your skin makes contact with theirs, your world is suddenly vibrant. Suddenly beautiful.

However, if your soul mate died, you'll be stuck. Stuck in a dull, black and white world once more. Living a colourless life without love. Without meaning.

Many people who have their soulmate and their own lives. They believe death is better then living a meaningless life. Better then never finding love again.

Many don't understand why, but they haven't lost their soulmate.

They didn't have to go through what I had to.  None of them went through the pain I did. None.


The university campus was giant. It was like a palace, just with many more buildings. However, it was just as glorious. It spanned over for miles, a bus system flowing everywhere.

"With it being your first time properly on campus, I think I'll give you a tour! You are family after all." A deep voice boomed from behind. A hand rested on a small female's shoulder, making her startled.
With a slight nod, she started following the older male in front of her.

Her mind raced with questions about so many things.
How did things happen here?
Had he met her new roommate?
Could he help her when she needs it in this new place?

The snapping of fingers caught her in her trance, bringing her back to reality.
"Wow. How anti-social did you get? You blocked out everything for ten minutes straight, we're already at your block!" The girl's brother laughed, his gummy smile showing.
After following a path inside the building, they finally got to the girl's dorm. She was nervous. Her brother told her to get a roommate so she wouldn't be so lonely, always calling up her brother.
Luckily, she found someone out her old high school.

Opening the door, she saw a fairly large room with two beds, each of them the opposite side of the room. A window was inbetween the beds, the bright sun flowing into the room. At the end of each bed, a light birch desk sat, draws layering the side of the desks.
The walls were a cream colour, half of the room had an occasional poster.

However, sat on one of the beds was a girl, book in hand. She looked over to the girl and not in her room. Smiling, she put her book down and waved.

U-uh..hi? I-I'm.." The girl in the doorway gulped, her hand on her brother's arm.

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now