~Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't been updating anything, I was away from internet and had slight writer's block on this story... Back though, and I'll be updating more due to it being holidays! Anyway, enjoy...


Two weeks flew by silently. Nothing happened, no Bratty-boy or Edward, just boring classes and meet-ups with Evangelia. Occasionally Samuel came up to check on Matilda, but nothing else.

"Hey, 'Tilds. It's been a pretty dull few weeks, hasn't it? So, therefore, we should do something exciting!" Liza had proposed a Friday afternoon after classes. They had been sat on their beds, talking about how different their classes were, Liza did dance, whereas Matilda studied history.

"Like what?" Matilda was stumped, what could Liza be up to?

'What could possibly be exciting?' Matilda thought.

Liza's face light up into an evil smile, her hands suddenly full make up.

"Go to a party!"

The idea had left Matilda shocked, she'd never done anything social (the most she'd ever done was a mandatory camp with her secondary school). Only moments later, Matilda was in the bathroom, Liza 'working her magic', as she put it.

"So, I have this dress that will probably fit you. You'll be beautiful in it!" Liza started, hoping for a good reaction. "It's not too short, but not entirely long either..." That made Matilda nervous, what was going to happen to her?

After about an hour of Liza painting Matilda's face, she had finished. Matilda's make-up seemed flawless, yet natural. Some seemingly subtle colours (though she didn't really know) for her eyes, but a bright colour for her lips.

"Is all this necessary?" Matilda asked, looking in the mirror as if she were looking at someone else. She feel like herself, she felt like a princess, beautiful and innocent.

"Of course, hun! Now the dress... Where is it?" Liza walked out of bathroom, and began throwing clothes around the floor out of the closet. Matilda didn't entirely get it, couldn't you just choose a dress and some heels and you're done?

"Ah ha!" Liza exclaimed, pulling Matilda out of her thoughts. When she looked over, Liza was holding a brilliant dress. Matilda just wished she could know what colour It was... It looked good, however the only thing was when Matilda actually put on the dress, it barely reached mid-thigh. "Perfect!" Was her friend's only response after glancing at Matilda. Liza had already began looking for her dress.

'Oh no...'

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now