~Chapter 21

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Warning! Pretty dark themes (Y'know, rape is bad!)


"Matilda, let me tell you a story."

Still in the hospital, Sam recalled his first party on campus and why he goes out so much now. What a story Matilda was in for...

"My first party was the first weekend here. My old roommate had decided to drag me there to let loose. I mean, you know how I was when I first began, like you, all shy. But, this party made me open more. But not in the best way, as you can tell.

I had a lot of drinks there, so I'm still not sure what exactly happened at parts... But I'll try...."


Sam was in awe of the big room, so many people laughing and partying under the rainbow lights. Most of the people had red beakers full of alcohol, just like in the movies. Sam didn't know what to do, he didn't know anyone. His friend had left him for some random girl, and from where he stood he could see the two making out. He probably stood out like a sore thumb...

"Hey, handsome~ You look lonely, would you like some help?" A young-looking girl smirked at Sam, her fake lashes bouncing on her eyelids. Sam didn't really want to go with her, but she ended up grabbing his wrist. She kept smirking as she brought him to the kitchen, and got him a drink.

He took this moment of freedom to look around the huge kitchen, wondering who could afford this at the university they were at. And how many people lived here? One? Five?

However, as Sam was wondering about the rent of place, the girl took the moment of distraction. She quickly slipped something into his drink, putting the small bottle back into the pocket of her jacket. She innocently smiled, turning around and handing Sam the drink that she put the strange liquid into.

"To a good party," The girl hit the cups together, taking a swig of hers. Sam did the same, suddenly feeling amazing. He wasn't nervous or wondering. "Now, come on, let's go enjoy the party!"

The girl dragged Sam to the dance floor, to which he happily went along. But soon, the dancing became... intimate of sorts. She had gotten close, too close for Sam's liking, but his body wouldn't push her away. He welcomed her, even if his mind was shouting at him to leave, that something happened to him. His body worked on its own, not responding to his brain. Soon, Sam and the girl ended up in a bedroom upstairs, Sam's body finally acknowledging his brain's shouts.

"W-wait... I can't do this! I don't just fuck people and leave." Sam said, trying to pry the girl off him, who was kissing his neck. However, she had different plans and only stopped to respond to his words.

"Well, I do. And you're staying here~"


He was scared of being used like that again.

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