~Chapter 28

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"Honestly, next time try tying the ropes tighter if you're going to tie someone up..." A voice snarled behind Matilda. She knew she was in for it now...

Refusing to turn around, Matilda stood there. She pretended as if she had never heard him speak up from behind. She didn't want to get into too much bother now, what with Liza and Sam just a few feet from outside the door.

She heard the door slowly swing closed, the light from outside fading away, along with her hopes of getting out alive...

"Although your speech about me loving the idea of love was... nice." She could feel his hot breaths on her neck, scaring her further. She wanted to run, but she felt frozen from the fear. What was he going to do to her after this fiasco? "I do have to fault you. You don't actually know what I think and what I believe, because you are you, and I am me."

A light chuckle escaped Jackson's lips as he walked around Matilda, his hands behind his back. Now...

It was his time to explain.

"You don't believe - or rather don't want to believe - that I do love you. But, guess what, I do. We're also soulmates, and you can't deny it. You can see colours, and our first kiss felt magical. Everyone with their soulmate always explained that first kisses were always magical, and it was evidently magical. You can't deny it, you felt it also." He stopped speaking to give himself a pause - for breath or for dramatic effect, Matilda didn't know.

She knew that Jackson was right in some aspects. She didn't want to believe he loved her, and their first kiss was magical. But she couldn't love him, could she?

"And you're scared of the outcome. Don't worry, you can trust me. I dropped Brett as soon as I found we were soulmates. Please, give me at least one chance. You never gave me a chance, just lead me on. And, now we're not leaving this room until you allow me a chance!"

Jackson's face was now inches from Matilda's - though he had to bend down to reach her - and his intentions were obvious.

Their lips met once more, the sound of fireworks sounding in both their heads. They could feel a pull toward each other, one even Matilda couldn't even deny. They stopped when Matilda pulled back, her hands pushing his chest away.

"I'll give you one chance." Jackson immediately jumped at the statement, his face representing that of a happy puppy. "On one condition, however! You are the one to break it to Sam, alright?" She whipsered, not finding the need to speak any louder.

Jackson was excited. He was finally getting to date his soulmate, whom he had tried to get with for months. He knew something was special about this girl, and he finally got to experience life with her.

A small gasp brought him from his trance, however. The door was now open, revealing a shocked Liza. Her eyes were full of tears, a look of sheer pain platered on her face. Her tears were freely streaing down her face at this point.


𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now