~Chapter 23

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Matilda was just about to punch Valerie, her fist only inches away from her face. Matilda's rage had sent Valerie to the ground out of fear without even managing to touch her. The only thing separating her fist from the girl's face was another hand.

"Matilda," The person whispered, their voice soothing. "Don't do it, it's not worth it."

Matilda turned around to face the person, still plastering herself with a stern glare. She wasn't phased when she came face to face with Jackson. She wasn't phased even though their faces were barely apart. She was phased, though, when he tried to hug her. Tried to hold her.

Matilda's raged went full once more as she started punching Jackson's chest to get out of his hold. She still had to make Valerie suffer after what she did to her brother. However, she couldn't when she was in Jackson's hold, could she? She had to get out of the cage that was his arms.

"Let me go! I need to get to Valerie, you don't know what she did to my brother! You don't know anything, so fuck off!" She shouted, not caring if she hurt anyone. The anger was blinding all senses, creating a red screen in front of her eyes.

The only thing she could process was the incandescent outrage. It coursed through her with blinding speed, to the point she felt like she could run a marathon fuelled with it.


Only a few moments later was it that Jackson was sitting on the floor whilst Matilda paced about. She was exploding, the words of her problems flowing out her mouth at an intense speed. Instead of fighting Valerie, Jackson had somehow managed to get the girl before to speak about everything. She had spoken about multiple things, but one thing caught his attention as she was speaking.

"And you and me being soulmates! What fuckery is the universe putting us through?"

The words were spoken so quick that Jackson nearly missed it, but he managed to catch it.

She doesn't like being soulmates with me? He thought, hoping he heard wrong.

"Do you not..." He swallowed thickly before continuing. "Do you not like being... soulmates?" He had hoped with everything that he had heard wrong. That it was all a lie. That she did like him, just as he liked her.

However, when Matilda simply looked at him with sorrow in her eyes, he knew. He knew he had heard right, and had been lying to himself about her. That meant that when they kissed, it meant nothing. Absolutely nothing.

So, he walked out. Out of the dance studio. Out of Matilda's life.

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now