~Chapter 4

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"You bitch!"
The boy went hit Matilda, who managed to block the blow just in time with her book. Only just though.

"What the fuck?! Why the hell did you just try and hit me?!" Matilda shouted.
What is going on..? She thought, wondering what was wrong with this university already.

"You're going to regret this! I know someone who will ruin your life here!" The boy screeched, pushing Matilda.
"You're acting like a middle school brat! Grow up, it's just a bench!"
Like a responsible person would, Matilda walked away and decided to head back to her dorm, the safest place on campus.

If that's what everyone is like... she thought again. I don't have to worry about finding my soulmate!

"Excuse me?" A voice asked from a short distance. Looking around, Matilda saw a girl, taller then her, waving in her direction. Looking behind her, Matilda checked if there was anyone behind her. When she saw no one, she waved back.

The tall girl smiled and bounded up to the smaller female.
"I'm Evangelia! Second year student. Lovely to meet ya!" She had a thick accent, and her face was scrunched with happiness and joy.

Well... At least this is better then the situation prior! Matilda thought, her mind calming down from the anger before.

"So! Where ya going?!" Evangelia's bubbly voice brought broke Matilda from her short thoughts.

Ignoring her question, Matilda turned to Evangelia.
"Hey, you're a second year, right?" Once Evangelia nodded, she continued. "Do you know Samuel Durr-"

"Samuel Durr? Of course I know him, how can I not know my own best friend?!" She squealed.

Best friends? How come I've never heard of her then? Or why she never came round?

Evangelia ended up waking to Matilda's dorm, continously talking about her Matilda's brother met. Matilda could have sworn she was in love with her brother if it wasn't for what happened next.

Before any if the girls could open the door, it flew open, slamming into the wall. Edward, his face having anger plastered all over it.

Inside was Elizabeth, crying on her her, tightly hugging a pillow chest. Her tears were a bright white, shimmering in the dim light of the dorm. Black marks danced on her skin. The marks weren't those love, but rather of hatred and anger.

"I need help. I'll explain everything..."

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