~Chapter 3

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"Soulmate? Does that mean you can see colour!?" Matilda asked, her gaze solely on the couple in the doorway. All Matilda could see was the few shades of black and white.

"Oh...Uh...Yeah... We.. can? Can't you?" Liza spoke, though she didn't sound certain. It was like they'd never been asked if they could see colour. Matilda shook her head to the question, pouting. She had always wondered what the colours were like.

Liza and her soulmate looked at each other with a questioning look, as if they weren't saying something important, then looked back at Matilda.

"Uh.. I was going to take Liza out.. You can join if you want." Edward asked, his gaze on Matilda. She could see something else in his eyes, but yet couldn't tell what.
"No, it's ok. I might just look around for a while. Have fun!~" Matilda smiled, getting up to go out.

"Wait! Have my number, in case something happens. I mean, it is a big campus." Liza suggested.
After swapping phone numbers, they bid each other goodbye and Matilda walked around, following different pathways.
She wondered what it was like having a soulmate. Lots of people her age found theirs, yet she has barely found friends. What kind of person was she?

Trying to clear her head, Matilda walked around longer then she expected. She started looking around where she had to be. Matilda was studying English Literature and Language. She wanted to be an author, she loved writing, and she enjoyed the entire thing, what else would she study?

Finding a secluded area to read or write was her specialty. She could look at her surroundings and many ideas and scenarios would rush into her mind, resulting in multiple stories. That was when Matilda truly felt herself.

After a while of walking, Matilda managed to find a small bench underneath a few fairly small sakura trees. It was peaceful and empty, the perfect place for Matilda. Until..

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The cold voice caused Matilda to look behind her. A small tree, definitely smaller then the others here, though obviously smaller then the person stood beside it.
"I'm a person sat here, if you must know."

The boy who stood behind her scowled, almost looking at her as if she were a disgusting frog in a swamp. He scoffed and sat at the other side of the bench, trying to stay away from Matilda.

"Can you leave? This my bench. My area. Everyone knows this! I mean, I am very popular for a freshman." He boy gloated, causing Matilda to scoff and raise an eyebrow. "What're you looking at, nerd?"

Matilda looked at the boy in a threatening manner, as if asking him to continue. "Is that because I have a book in my hand? Unbelievable!"
The boy nodded, still glaring at her. All he wanted was some rest and peace...
"Oh well.." Going back to reading, Matilda ignored the boy beside her. Thus angered him so much, no one ignored him! Girls and boys, ladies and gentlemen all loved him!

"You can't just ignore me! I'm basically famous here!"

However, Matilda took no notice of him whatsoever. That may have been one of the worst decisions in her life. Was it?

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now