~Chapter 15

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That was the only way to describe how Matilda and Sam felt. They hadn't done much relaxing, and had kept up on everything.

Samuel had gone out to parties. He'd started to drink more then he used to, and was missing some of his classes. When he wasn't at class or at parties he was in his or Matilda's dorm crying and worrying about his breaking family.

Matilda, on the other hand, had quietened drastically and barely spoke to anyone, including Liza. She only went out for classes, though sometimes she didn't go out for them and asked classmates to bring her notes home. She didn't eat much anymore, and as Sam went out to drink, Matilda went inside to avoid drinks. To avoid with everything.

"Matilda?~ Come let your brother in!~" Was what Sam would sweetly shout through the door. Of course, it was always Liza that let him in, as Matilda went to sleep extremely early now. But, every morning, Matilda would wake up to her brother hugging her, sometimes crying, sometimes sleeping soundly.

This went on for weeks.

Some of Sam's friends couldn't understand why he suddenly got drunk nearly every night after swearing never to touch a drink after what he saw happen.

Some of Matilda's friends couldn't believe that after finally coming out her shell more, she just went back in, even further than before. Now, when Bratty-Boy and Jackson would come up to terrorise her, she'd just ignore them and shrug them off.


Every day. That's when they went to see their mother. They met at the fountains near the East exit, and Sam would drive them to and from the hospital.

"My dears, you shouldn't come visit me all the time! You have school work, you're busy!" Their mother exclaimed on numerous occasions, though she didn't complain about their company. She loved having them over so much, even if it was in a hospital.

"You're gonna have to get used to me not being here. I won't be here very much longer, will I?"


Matilda stepped into the hospital once again, the cold air conditioning hitting her with an icy blast. She smiled at the receptionist, who usually smiled back. However, this time she just held a look of sympathy for Matilda and her brother. Why?

"Excuse me. Samuel, Matilda..." No one used Sam's full name unless it was bad. And this was bad.

"J-just follow me, please..." Their mother's doctor motioned for them to follow him. They skipped their mother's room and went to the doctor's office. "I have... something to tell you..."

The doctor looked like he did the first day they came in. Sullen and sympathetic.

"Stop being so sympathetic and get one with it!" Matilda suddenly snapped from the sad atmosphere, scaring the doctor and her brother. She'd never shouted around her brother, or barely anyone else.

"O-ok... Well, your mother. She had a fatal heart attack and... she died in her bed. We tried to bring her back as soon as we got into the room, but it was too late. I-I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry can't bring our mother back. You did what you could. Excuse me." Matilda whispered, standing up and running out of the office. She didn't stop running when she got to the waiting room. She didn't stop running when she left the hospital. She just kept running.

Just kept running...

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now