~Chapter 2

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The girl on the bed smiled. She got up and walked over towards the two. Holding her hand out for Matilda and her brother to shake.
"Hi! My name is Elizabeth. You can just call me Liza, though." She said, her her optimistic attitude spreading through the room.

"Hey~ I'm Samuel, Matilda's brother. Nice to meet you, Liza~"  Samuel winked.

Matilda looked around her new room again. Her rucksack slid off her arm and onto the empty bed. She looked to her brother, her eyes asking him to get her other bags.
"Me and 'Tildy here are going to get her other bags. One moment, don't move a muscle~" Samuel said, propping the door open with his foot.
With a suitcase on the floor and a duffel bag on the bed. Matilda was sat on Liza's bed with her.
"Sorry for taking up so much space at the moment," Matilda muttered, looking at her messy bed.

"No, it's fine! Want me to help you unpack?" Liza asked, nodding her head towards Matilda's bed.
It took about half an hour to unpack. Matilda did her clothes, while Liza did some decorations and ornaments.

"Hey. I love some of your things! Like, you literally have the Hogwart"s crest as a clock!" Liza giggled, excitedly going through Matilda's stuff.

Chuckling, Matilda shoved her now empty bags underneath her bed. She was now sat on her desk chair, setting up her laptop, and Liza was sat on her own bed.
They were casually talking about their high school and college lives,like they'd known each other for years.

"Well, I didn't have the best grades, I was more average in high school. But, y'know, college helped me get my grades up. We went to different colleges, but the same high school, right? How was your college life?" Liza spoke quickly, giving Matilda a  note to quicken her mental pace.

"Well I was kind of an introvert. I had my brother, But he's older then me and was in different classes. I had two friends, one I lost contact with and one goes here." Matilda shyly looked to the floor, feeling weird as she just admitted that she was an introvert.

"Aw! Such a potato~" Liza giggled. However, a knock at the door stopped her laughing session.
Getting up to open the door, a gasp escaped her lips once she opened the door.

"Matilda! Come meet Edward." Liza giggled, ushering Matilda towards the door.

"He's my soul mate!"

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