~Chapter 14

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Matilda checked her phone, seeing a message from Liza.


its fine just make sure your mums good. send her luck from me. good luck yourself

Matilda smiled, knowing it wasn't just her and her brother worrying for her mother. It was nice to know someone else was there for them.

"Excuse me. Are you here for Madelynn Durr?" A doctor asked, holding a clipboard and wearing a sullen face. Matilda nodded slowly, wondering what was going on. "I have something to tell you."

Matilda shakily nudged her brother, waking him up after his four-hour-long nap.

"Would you two like to state your relations to her?" The doctor asked, though he probably knew.

"W-well, I'm her daughter, and h-he's her s-son..." Matilda muttered, her eyes focusing anywhere but the doctor's eyes.

He motioned for them to follow him to their mum's room. She was awake, but it seemed she was hanging onto consciousness by a thread. She smiled softly as she noticed them walk in, holding her hands out for her children to grab.

Sam and Matilda's eyes started to water, and soon waterfalls ran down their cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry to interrupt, b-but I have some b-bad news..." The doctor said, stepping forwards toward the small family.
"W-well, uh... you're mother, you know she's had heart problems and stress all her life. Well... How do I say this Susan?" He looked over at the nurse, who just shrugged. "Well, you're mother is dying. I'm sorry, but blood isn't getting to her heart as fast as she needs it and soon there will be a sudden cardiac arrest that we can only prepare for, but never know when. And, if she does survive that, her heart will give out due to severe drop in blood levels." He explained, his eyes looking at the two sobbing children.

"We can only delay the inevitable."

Those words made Matilda choke. Her breath hitched and she stopped listening. Stopped breathing. Stopped processing everything.
It just meant that her mother was going to die. Yes, She knew her mum would eventually, but she expected to be out of college and working before even thinking about her mother's death.

All she'd have is Sam.

Sam's mind was exactly the same.
All he'd have is Matilda. But then...

He can't even keep her.

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now