~Chapter 16

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As Matilda ran, she didn't notice.

She didn't notice until she hit someone. She fell, and then realised where she was. She was only down the street from the hospital and had run into...


"Oh. Who do we have here?~" He grinned slyly, his eyes glistening with sick ideas. Ideas for Matilda.

"I can't deal with your shit. Leave me alone, at least for today." Matilda choked down her sobs, though she couldn't stop the tears from hastily gushing down her face. She must have seemed stupid to the boys in front of her. Crying whilst on the floor of the streets.

Bratty-boy looked over his shoulder, then noticed he was with someone. He'd said his name before... Jackson, Matilda thought it was.

"Why are you crying? Did your brother call you an little shit again? He's not quiet when he's drunk." Bratty-boy smirked again, and Jackson stood behind him, his expression unreadable.

His expression may have been unreadable, but his eyes weren't. Matilda could see they held something, something that wasn't hatred or anger. More like sympathy...

"What do you mean? And if you mean he talks about me when he's drunk, I know. I have known him my entire life and helped him with hangovers. Get some new material, asshole." Matilda spat, a concentrated glare staying on the boy's face. She was not in the mood.

Bratty-boy looked furious. He basically had steam flowing out of his nostrils and the veins in his neck pulsating...

Matilda stood up and brushed herself off, wiping her tears (which luckily stopped flowing down her face) and got ready to turn around. She bowed to the boys in front of her to say goodbye and turned on her heel. She didn't even manage to take a step when she felt hands on her back.

Her head hit the ground, her body not working fast enough to stop herself. Darkness soon enveloped her vision. Her senses started leaving after her sight. But before they could all leave, she heard,


𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now