~Chapter 27

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Matilda walked into the cafe's seating room, Jackson literally being tied up just a few feet away from Liza. She didn't know about that, though.

"Hey, Matilda! I wanted to tell you something really important, so can you listen a moment?" Liza pleaded, her eyes imitating doggy eyes.

Matilda didn't really want to, she was sorting out Jackson, which was also something very important. But, Liza was Matilda's best friend, other than Evangelia, and it was hard for her to reject one of the few friends she had.

"Liza... C-can it just... uh... wait for a few moments? I-I'm just trying to do... something... and really it... it's very, very, very important." Matilda nervously said, eyeing Sam, who stood in the corner.

Matilda would have to talk to Sam, telling Liza that she was here, even though he knew Matilda was doing important 'work'. He probably did it purposely, he never liked Jackson since he'd seen him harassing Matilda multiple times around campus. Or really, seen Jackson with Brett, who harrassed Matilda. Sam was a very protective person and hated almost everyone who spoke to Matilda. And sometimes, that fact could be a huge nuisance.

"O-oh... I mean... s-sure, I'll wait for you to f-finish!" Liza smiled, though Matilda could tell she was hurt. Liza was one of Matilda's only friends, she didn't want her to ger hurt. However, this was important. She had to get it across to Jackson that he wasn't in love with Matilda. "I-I'll wait wth Sam, c-come get me when you're done, alright?"

Matilda just nodded and sighed. She looked at Liza with sympathy, knowing she was not being a great friend at this moment in time, but she felt like she couldn't help it. She didn't want to speak to Liza because she felt something was going to go wrong. Like something terrible was going to happen...

Shaking off the feeling, Matilda trekked back to the storage room of the cafe. She had to sort this jackass out.

Upon entering the storage room, she found something. An empty chair?

Where did Jackson go?!

"Matilda? How are things going in there?" Sam shouted, a hint of teasing in his voice. It infuriated Matilda, he sounded so suspicious!

'Surely Sam didn't let him go, right?' She wondered, her curiosity rising. What actually happened to Jackson?

"Yes! Everything's good. I'm just trying to find... uh... something!" Matilda shouted back, answering her brother after a short pause. "Where's he gone?"

Matilda was worried. Was he out with Liza and Sam? What if he jumped out a window?! All the windows were closed, though, so surely he didn't get away?

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