~Chapter 18

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Matilda stood in shock. The boy's light brown hair shone in the light, his tanned skin looked flawless. Matilda couldn't peel her eyes away, something about the colour making him look much better then she'd ever seen him.

"Uh, can I come in?" The boy asked, to which Sam nodded. The boy sat in a seat next to the bed, close to Matilda. So close that she could see his deep blue eyes with a hint of amber in them. They were mesmerising.

"Matilda, are you ok? I'm sorry for what happened." He said, his rough voice hypnotising. It was the second time she'd ever heard him speak, though the first time was faint. The first time, she could here the fear in it as he shouted...

Her head hit the ground, her body not working fast enough to stop herself. Darkness soon enveloped her vision. Her senses started leaving after her sight. But before they could all leave, she heard,


This time round, she could hear the softness and caring in his rough voice. Yes, the fear was still there, but it wasn't as much.

Could he be her soulmate?

"I'll leave you two alone. Matilda needs to thank you anyway..." Sam trailed away, not mnowing the boy's name.

"Uh, Jackson! And, she doesn't need to thank me anyway..."

Jackson. Bratty-boy's friend. The one who agreed to make Matilda's life hell. He saved her? She thought Jackson hated her as much as Bratty-boy, how could he save her?

"Did you save me?" Matilda asked, her voice a mear whisper. She didn't entirely want to know the answer. But, curiosity got the better of her and she had to know if it was him. If they were soulmates.

The boy nodded, looking at her with piercing eyes. She could barely keep her eyes on him, too nervous to know his answers.

"Can you... Can you..." She tried to speak but was too scared. She didn't know whether she wanted him to be her soulmate. He was the sidekick of the guy who tormented her months. Did she really want her soulmate as a bad guy.

But it might not...

"Yes. I know you see it all to. That you can see the colours. That we're soulmates in this now vibrant world." Jackson said, coming closer to the bed until he was kneeled in front of her face. "You know we're meant to be."

Matilda shook her head in denial. She felt her walls caving, her ground shaking, her heart racing. He was a bad guy, a bully, she couldn't be with him forever.


𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now