~Chapter 17

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Matilda's sight soon came back, though she had to squint due to how bright everything was. Almost the entire room was white, though a few things were blue, like her blanket. Wait...


Matilda shot up from her still position, her head spinning with dizziness. She looked to the machines around her, seeing coloured lines on different ones. She couldn't comprehend what was happening. She was seeing colour! But, who was her soulmate?

Could it be Bratty-boy, who had pushed her?

"No! It can't be him, and it never will be... He's touched me before, so he's not a possibility..." She muttered to herself, looking down at the baby blue blanket her hands refused to let go off.

But then, who could it be?

"Ah! You're awake! You came back with quite an injury. Good job your boyfriend brought you in here. Me and your brother were quite shocked when you came back unconscious. Anyway, how are you feeling?" The doctor who had looked after Matilda's mother walked in, smiling softly. Matilda stared at him, his ocean green eyes flickering from her to the machines. She could see he had black hair, though some grey hairs could be seen if you looked closely.

"I-I'm doing ok physically, but mentally is another thing, I guess." She muttered, not being able to process anything properly. She had lost her mother but found her soulmate on the same day. Well, lost her soulmate, she still didn't know who it was.

The doctor got to work checking her, making sure she as good to see other people. As soon as he opened to the door to say that her visitors could come in, her brother raced in, nearly knocking the doctor over.

"'Tilds! I'm so happy you're ok! I don't know what I would have done without you." Sam shouted, his eyes wetting with tears. He wouldn't have been able to survive without his sister an mother!

Matilda smiled softly, hugging her brother as if she would lose him is she were to let go. After a few moments, a knock echoed through the door, alerting the siblings someone else was there. They looked over to see who it was, though it was a great surprise.


𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now