~Chapter 30 {το τέλος}

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"You are my problem!"

Liza's cries of anger seemed to tear at Matilda's heart. She felt like she'd let her friend down, and hadn't done enough for her.

"You didn't let me speak and now you've gone and hurt me! You didn't even tell me that your soulmate was Jackson, you just went and hid it from me! I thought we were friends, Matilda!" Liza screamed, angry tears cascading down her face.

Anyone, even those the passing cars, could see that Liza could burst. She looked like she wanted to choke Matilda in the road whilst running home to watch soppy movies.

"Matilda! We went to the same high school. We are roommates. You are my best friend, I've had you for months, and you've had me, yet you don't trust me enough to say you found your soulmate? You could've let me down easier, but I had to find out by seeing you two sucking each others faces!" Liza couldn't hold anything back by this point. She just decided it would be best if Matilda knew almost everything. Though, she didn't entirely want to mention everything...

"What do you mean let you down easy? And I didn't mean to hide it, I thought it would be best after what happened with you and Edward. And, I didn't want to accept him as my soulmate! Until tonight, I hated him and-" Matilda had cut herself off in case anything else came out. She didn't want to say anything horrible to Liza by accident. She would hate it if she ever did anything lie that to hurt Liza.

"Liza? Matilda? Are you guys here, we saw you run off in this direction!" Deep voices came from the bushes right next to the sidewalk. Liza didn't want anymore trouble, she just wanted to go back and sleep.

Liza tried running off again, only to have Matilda grab her wrist again. Liza struggled against her friend's grip, trying to fling the other female off. Liza didn't want to fight her friend, but she didn't want to deal with her at this moment. Liza wanted her warm, safe dorm.

The air outside was crisp as it hit their bare arms. None of them had brought jackets, so they were all freezing. Liza had expected to go in for a few moments, speak and run out, this was not what she had expected.

"Matilda..." Whispered the smaller girl, her cheeks red and stained with dry tears, eyes puffy and red. "What I had originally come for. I wanted to tell you that... I-I'm..."

Liza didn't think she'd be able to speak. She choked on her words when she did try, too scared of the consequences. "I'M GAY AND LIKE YOU IS WHAT I TRIED TO SAY!" Liza yelled at the top of her lungs. The other boys had just rounded the corner as she shouted, and now everyone stared at Liza.

New tears suddenly appeared on her cheeks. She knew she'd be looked upon as an outcast, she knew it would be bad. She just had to get out of there.

Without looking, she ran across the road, hoping her legs would carry her far enough to leave. As she was running, she didn't notice on coming traffic... like drunken drivers.

White lights blinded everyone as Liza ran. She was going to go straight into the car. Someone else had to move and help.

"Liza, watch out!" Matilda yelled, running out to follow. She just wanted to help.

Pushing Elizabeth forward, Matilda struggled to see much else.

Just the white of the headlights. Then, just blackness.

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