~Chapter 29

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Matilda twirled around, facing the girl who stood at the door. Liza was crying, and it looked because of her.

"L-Liza? What's wrong? What happened?" Matilda asked, stepping closer to her friend. She went slowly, as to not scare Liza, still wondering why she was crying.

Liza just shook her head, her tears still flowing like waterfalls. "N-no! Matilda, you stay there and eat J-Jackson's face off, don't worry about me!" Liza hated herself for stuttering and not being able to stop her waterworks. Before anything else could happen, she turned and ran away.

Liza didn't know where she was running to, but it had to be somewhere else. She just couldn't face the pain and needed to clear her head.

Matilda, on the other hand, didn't want her friend to be hurt. She knew how high-maintenance Liza was, and how she could easily get hurt or taken by anyone or anything. She had to follow her for her well being.

"I have to follow her! Uh... Stay here or something, I'll try be quick!" Matilda yelled as she ran out of the café, her footsteps slowly fading out into the distance.

Jackson stood stunned, confused whether to follow or stay. Sam was in front of the door, ushering Jackson to follow him.

"If those two are going anywhere, we need to follow them. Who knows what could happen to either of them, especially at this time! It's literally two in the morning, now let's go!" Sam dragged Jackson outside, starting to run the direction that Matilda had ran off to.

Liza was running out of breath by the time she made it closer to the campus. All sh had to do was cross some roads - safely, of course - and she could make it to the comfort of her dorm. If not her's, then she'd go to Evangelia's dorm, knowing she would help her.

She heard footsteps, accompanied by the shout of her name in the distance. She needed to get out of here fast, but she couldn't. There were so many drivers, many of them students coming back from nights out or weekend trips away.

"Elizabeth! Come on, please talk to me! I can help if you tell me your problem!" Matilda shouted, grbbing Liza's wrist. She just wanted to help her friend.

Liza glared at the girl who held her wrist tighlty. She didn't want to speak to her at that moment, only wanting to calm down and get home. But, she was angry and couldn't calm down in this moment of time.

"You are my problem!"

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