~Chapter 10

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Matilda was shook.
She had never seen so many people in one area at a time. Different outfits, varying from extremely revealing clothes to someone wearing a jumpsuit.

"Uh... Liza? Was this really such a good idea?" Matilda muttered, basically grabbing onto Liza like a small child. She was scared, and she would admit that. Matilda never did much social, and this was a giant leap into the deep end, not just a small step.

However, Liza just shrugged it off as slight nerves from being in a new environment and decided to stride into the big house. It looked like a mansion with lights bouncing off the walls.
'I wish I could enjoy those lights..' Matilda thought, hoping one day she really could.

As soon as Matilda actually entered the grand house, the strong smell of alcohol and sweat blocked her senses. That, added to the loud sound of music blaring from multiple speakers was an overload. She didn't know how people could do this regularly like Liza did and it scared her.

Suddenly, she felt something tap her behind. "Hello, kitten~" A deep voice sounded through her ear. "Don't you just look delicious?~"
Startled, Matilda turned around suddenly, coming face to face with...

Matilda turned again to try find Liza, but she was long gone. So, alternatively, She tried to find an escape route, but all pathways were blocked by drunk people, and a wall...

"Kitten... Come on! Why don't we play a little?" Edward playfully lifted an eyebrow, snaking his arms around Matilda's waist. He was slowly, but surely, pushing her towards the wall. He pinned her arms up above her head, his head so close to hers she could smell the alcohol through his nose.

"Edward! Get off of me!" Matilda screamed, albeit getting drowned out by the music. She knew, however, that Edward had heard her, and that he was just ignoring her.

Edward was thrown backwards, revealing Liza. She came up to hig Matilda, who was frozen from fear.
"I shouldn't have brought you here! I'm so sorry!" Liza profusely apologising.

"Let's... Let's just go..."

𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now