~Chapter 22

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Matilda was shocked. Sam, her own brother, had been hurt so badly, without no one ever realising.




She then realised why he was so protective of her and her mother. Why he always shooed off people whenever he didn't like them. So she wasn't used.

"Sam," She whispered, her voice quaking with sadness. "I'm... I'm so sorry you went through that. Especially alone... But, I must ask..."

"Who was it?"


Valerie Cliffton was a second year. She was learning dance, as she had always loved it. However, her dance moves were quite sensual, which she happily used in different scenarios, if you get what I mean. However, she was very self-centred and always thought she was better then any other person in the world.

She was gleefully dancing in the practice room, believing she was alone. She was getting the right moves on the correct beat.

"My, aren't you a good dancer?"

The voice had surprised Valerie. She hadn't expected anyone to be the practice room, especially at this time. 6:28pm. All the classes hadn't been on that day as it was Saturday. Valerie came in to get some extra practice before classes on Monday.

"W-what? Who... who are you?" Valerie said. She whimpered, hoping nothing was going to happen, even though she knew she wouldn't get away easy.

The voice giggled. It was high-pitched yet devilish at the same time. It was as if a child who had planned a big prank was giggling at the thought of the prank working.

"Did you do that to my brother?" The voice breathed, calming down. The owner of the voice stepped into the light, revealing someone Valerie had not expected to see. "Y'know, when you drugged and rapped him? Yeah, I know what you did to him."

Matilda's expression was one of pure fury, one that could melt actual people. Valerie was scared, she had seen Matilda's dance moves, so if she knew Matilda could easily fight.

Therefore, Valerie was completely fucked.

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