~Chapter 11

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"I'm so sorry 'Tilds..." Liza rubbed her friend's back sincerely. Liza didn't want her new-found friend to hate her already. And because Liza wanted to go to a party.

"No, I'm sorry for ruining your night. I'm sorry for being such a scaredy cat... He's just a fucking guy..." Matilda muttered, still crying and her makeup being completely ruined. Everything had run down her face by that point.

Both the girls started crying, hugging each other and ruining their makeup. Yet, they didn't care. They just continued to cry on a very late Friday night, possibly waking up other girls in their dorm's block.

"Look, let's just wipe this mess off," Liza indicated to her face. "and sleep. We can go to the café and get morning coffee tomorrow." She handed Matilda a wipe. They both got ready, hoping to peacefully fall off to sleep before everything falls into their minds.

"We can just... sleep it off..." Matilda muttered, already in her pyjamas. Her phone was on her desk, silent and charging.


Sam kept calling, his hopes of getting through to his younger sister slowly dimming. It just kept going to voicemail, which did not help him at all.

"Damn! Matilda you're a fucking moron... Honestly!"


The morning came quickly, the Saturday sun shining through the windows.

"Switch the light off..." Liza whispered, her words only just audible through her blanket. She was hungover from last night.

"The light isn't on, it's just morning, you lazy sack. God, how much did you drink?" Matilda muttered, closing the curtains. Liza said something incoherent and went back to sleep.

Matilda sat in her desk chair and checked her notifications.

New Voicemail


27 new messages


Matilda frowned, reading the messages. There was nothing else important but those messages. Sam repeatedly said that she needed to answer, which gave Matilda a feeling of uncertainty... Albeit it didn't seem much, Matilda had a deep feeling like fear in the pits of her stomach. She opened the voicemail, hoping for nothing important.

"Hey, Matilda...I, uh, just wanted to make sure you're ok... Uh, you need to, uh, come home..." Sam sniffed, as if holding back tears. "You need to answer as soon as possible because... It's, uh, to do with... mom. I can't say on the phone but..." Another sniff. "You have to answer me..."


𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕣Where stories live. Discover now