Think About It

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun digs that.

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Chanyeol's a gangster, and Baekhyun digs that. Alot.

Peering over his friend, Jongdae, Baekhyun can't help but smile as the boy in the grey sweatshirt's fighting with another student and using a wooden bat as well. Jongdae tries to press them on, but Baekhyun doesn't budge.

"Baekhyun, let's go before we get in trouble, too."

"Don't you think he's cute?"

"What?" Looking back, Jongdae's bewildered. "The guy with the bat?"


"Park Chanyeol."

"That's his name?"

"Oh my god, Baekhyun."



Chanyeol smokes and that's cool with Baekhyun, but he hopes that the boy will change that habit before they become serious.

Baekhyun sees Chanyeol near a water fountain during a break and doesn't think twice about approaching him. "Hi!"

Chanyeol doesn't say anything but Baekhyun's not swayed. "Your name's Chanyeol, right? I'm--"

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I was getting to that! I'm--"

"If I don't know who the hell you fucking are, don't call me by my first name, you annoying little prick."

Chanyeol moves past him it but Baekhyun follows, grabbing the giant by the back of his messy uniform. "I'm Baekhyun. I want you to be my boyfriend."

Shocked by the approach, Chanyeol slaps Baekhyun's hand away and glares at him. "Get out of here before I fuck you up, bitch."

"Let's wait until marriage for that. Anyways, here. I wrote down my phone number for you." Baekhyun forces a piece of paper in Chanyeol's giant hand. "I like texting but I like your voice too, so if you call me, that's fine!"

"I don't fucking want--"

"Think about it!" Baekhyun says before turning around to skip away.

Chanyeol forgets to throw the piece of paper on the ground, too dazed in the event that just happened.

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