Sweet Lies

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun has a lot of boxes.

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Things kind of go back to normal when Monday morning comes along, except Baekhyun now openly holds the gangster's hand and swings him along. It's really fucking embarrassing, but Chanyeol doesn't do shit about it since the runt's hand always slithers its way back into his.

At Baekhyun's house, things look a little hectic when Chanyeol visits for the usual Gordon Ramsay marathon and evening dinner. This time, Baekhyun's mom makes an unnecessary comment.

"Aw, you two look very cute together!" she says when the two of them enter the home. All around her are empty boxes and cardboard that had yet to be assembled into their cube form. 

"Riiight." Baekhyun blushes as he laughs, trying to shrug it off. He lets go of Chanyeol's hand and starts pushing the giant up the stairs and away from his mother. "We'll be upstairs watching Hell's Kitchen, okay? Bye!" 

As Chanyeol is ushered in the room, he wonders why the house looks more...messy than usual.  Once the door gets locked, he turns around to face the runt who's still a bit red. "What's up with your mom?"

"Huh? Oh, um. Don't mind her. She was just kidding--"

"I meant the boxes."

Baekhyun pauses for a second. "Oh! Um, we're just putting some stuff away in, like, a storage space! We have too many things here. Mom tends to get really sentimental with objects."

Salem, who's been on the window sill the entire time, jumps off the ledge and walks over to Chanyeol. The gangster picks up the black cat and cradles him. 

"Makes sense," Chanyeol mutters. There's nothing left for him to really question, so he lets it go.  While the cat purrs in his arms, he makes his way over to the bed where he gets situation and comfortable--as usual. "You seem like the type to hoard shit." 

"Hey, it's hard not to be sentimental! It's a bad habit, you know." Shaking his head, Baekhyun walks over to his tv set and grabs the remote. Afterwards, he shuffles to the bed to join his boyfriend (and his cat). "Anyways, I think we're on season 8!"

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a/n: an even shorter update but hints or naw. Also i got 2 ideas i really wanna do so um yeah 

leave me a comment! beware or be square (like the boxes)

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