Tell Me Why

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Summary: Chanyeol's a fucking gangster and Baekhyun spends 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant

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Salem is more antsy than usual and can't sit still, so Baekhyun kicks the cat out of his room so the little thing can go play with all the cardboard boxes around the home. There's still a lot of them, and it's already been a week.

Chanyeol's suspicious about it, but he decides not to say anything. It's not his business so he doesn't care much.

"I thought we could watch something different today!" Baekhyun announces as he hops back on the bed and sits between Chanyeol's spread legs. He nestles himself against the gangster's chest before pointing the remote at his television. "Let's watch a movie. I was thinking '100 Days With Mr. Arrogant'!"

Frowning, Chanyeol glares down at the coconut head brunet. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Not really!" Baekhyun hits the 'play' button. "Oh, but we did miss our 100 day anniversary a while ago... But that's okay. We can exchange gifts later."

"That's a stupid tradition." Scoffing, Chanyeol rolls his eyes. "There's no point."

"Well, we're gonna do it anyways because it's important!" Baekhyun keeps insisting as the opening intro of the movies starts to play. "I feel like it was just yesterday that I saw you with a baseball bat and said hi!"

"You did more than just say hi, dumbass." Chanyeol leaves out the part where Baekhyun forces himself in his life. It's really fucking annoying.

"Yeah, duh! I wanted you to be my boyfriend."

The girl in the movie kicks a can that hits an expensive looking car but Chanyeol's not really paying as much attention as Baekhyun.



"Why the hell did you end up bothering me?"

The gangster doesn't know what he's expecting or what he wants to expect. Does he want to feel special and be told that, oh, the runt liked him for a long time before then...? Blah blah blah— insert stupid shit.

"Because people said you were scary and I like challenges," Baekhyun says casually. "You were cute, too, and also really tall... I thought we'd look good together!"

That's not what Chanyeol was (secretly) hoping for. In fact, it makes him kind of... upset.

"So you're just in this for shits and giggles." Chanyeol stops for a second before adding, "Not that I'm actually a part of this."

"Huh?" Confuses, Baekhyun turns his head just enough to make eye contact with the glaring giant. "No. I told you before, I like you!"

"Not in the beginning," Chanyeol corrects. However, this correction makes him more heated than he wants to be.

Who the fuck actually cares if Baekhyun's a fake bitch with fake feelings and fake reasons and a lot of other fake shit that's probably fucking fake, too.

Chanyeol cares.

"I did! I wouldn't go up to a random boy and ask him to be my boyfriend. That'd be silly!" Baekhyun moves away from the gangster and turns his whole body in the boy's direction. The movie keeps playing behind his back, but Baekhyun's eyes are focused on Chanyeol's brown ones. "Are you feeling insecure? I'm kind of sensing it!"

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol leans off the wall and tries to find a way to get off the bed but Baekhyun practically has him cornered. "Move."


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