Eye Spies

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and working with an ex is... awkward.

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Going to work is usually okay.

Having to pass the receptionist who he just "broke up" with is really fucking awkward though, but Chanyeol just ducks right out of that situation and ironically bumps right into Junmyeon who's visiting the auto shop—again.

It's really fucking annoying the way he's been dropping in and out more recently... Maybe he's looking out for the runt or whatever. Fuck if Chanyeol knows.

"Park! Just the son of a bourgeoisie bitch I wanted to see!" He puts a hand on Chanyeol's back... which the gangster doesn't like at all. "Now, I know you and my baby boo are back together— for the moment. But I also can't have you messing with the vibes around here."

"But I'm not doing anything."

"Exactly, but that's now how vibes work and your vibe's just not working out. Plus it's never a good thing to be around an ex. Believe me. Every time I see baby boo, ugh." Junmyeon sniffles. "Every damn day, that ass is the ass that got away."

Growling, Chanyeol stops walking and shoves Junmyeon's hand off of him. "Alright. So how do we fix this stupid dilemma?"

"Easy. I'm transferring you to another shop in Gangnam." Junmyeon puffs out his chest, extremely proud of himself. "It's not mine, but it's my distant cousin's— though he is twice removed since he married our other cousin's girlfriend who cheated on him with that cousin. A whole family novella! All that matters is that it's a specialty shop so you'll only be dealing with Lamborghini and Audi cars."

"What's the catch?"

"Did you not hear me? There's no catch, just cars!" Junmyeon crosses his arms and looks at the gangster from head to toe. "I'm only doing this for my baby boo. Need to get on his good side if I wanna get in his pants, you know what I'm sayin'? Aha!"

Chanyeol glares. "Are you being fucking serious?"

"About the job? Yes! About babe? Uh, yes!" Junmyeon takes a step back as a precaution just in case Chanyeol takes a swing at him. The gangster's definitely stronger than him. "The job interview's on Tuesday. Until then, if I hear from one of my spies around here that you're still talking with Rin, I'm telling baby boo that he needs someone new! Too! Away from you!

Before Chanyeol can make a comment about how dumb the latter fucking sounds, Junmyeon let's put a "hmph!" and speed walks down the hallway, towards the exit where his chauffeur is waiting to take him to his 12p.m golf appointment for a blind date with his Tinder buddy.


Chanyeol heads to the break room to take his lunch and thinks about his new transfer...

It's probably a good thing. Not that he was ever attached to Rin or any of the other people he was seeing before but he kind of... hates feeling like he's under some kind of surveillance. Even if Junmyeon is considered a mutual friend. He doesn't really like the way he's just being transferred willy fucking nilly just because of "baby boo".

Where the hell's the stability and independence on that?

Cursing underneath his breath, he realizes that, maybe... he needs to make a professional change.

And maybe a personal one, too.

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Baekhyun helps Chanyeol move in because...

1) He wants to see Chanyeol's new apartment!

2) He wants to see Chanyeol!!! (this should be #1)

3) He wants to kiss Chanyeol! (Checked!)

4) He wants to spend time with Chanyeol!

When they get to the apartment, Chanyeol parks the rental truck next to the leasing office and turns to the runt in the passenger seat. "I have to go in and sign some papers before they give me the key to the apartment." He gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Stay here, got it?"


While he's waiting, a small but noticeable buzzing sound starts coming from the center console. When he realizes that it's the gangster's phone ringing, Baekhyun picks it up.... and peaks at the caller I.D.

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A/N: goodnight 😴

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