2B or not to B

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Summary: Baekhyun's a gangster and  he's his girlfriend's boy toy boyfriend.

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Jongdae sighs, coughs, sneezes, and coughs again... all within 10 seconds apart. Baekhyun cringes as his friend suffers the consequences of being sick on a warm, spring afternoon. Having P.E and being sick at the same time is just gross in general.

"I can't do it. I just can't." Jongdae's nose is stuffy, too. The latter doesn't know how the boy can still keep running without just...dying. "I don't know how I'm going to get through the play this weekend."

"Why don't you ask the teacher if you can leave. Your part's not that important!"

Jongdae frowns at him. "First of all, Boyfriend Boy Toy is pretty important.. He might have 5 lines, but they're pretty crucial to the part. Plus, I'm supposed to be kissing Jessica! She's Boyfriend Boy Toy's Girlfriend."

"Don't you have an understudy?" Baekhyun asks.

"No, there's not enough people in drama club." Jongdae looks over at the brunet before nudging him by the elbow. "Hey, you know, you're pretty smart! And you learn things pretty fast."

"Huh? I do?" Baekhyun lights up. "You're right! I do!"

"Do you want to take my place? I don't wanna get Jessica all sick if I kiss her."

"But that means I have to kiss her." Baekhyun wonders if that would make Chanyeol mad. The thought makes him second guess for a moment. "It's not real if it's acting, right?"

"Nope!" Jongdae coughs again.

"Mmm, okay! How many lines do I have to remember?"

"Just, like, five." Jongdae wheezes as he tries to explain. In retaliation, Baekhyun moves away by a few inches. They still have two more laps to run. "And then you have to kiss Jessica. After that, you two leave the stage and it's done."

"That doesn't sound that bad."

"Right? Okay, I'll tell the drama teacher that you're filling in for me— Fudge. I really hate running!" The boy looks like he's dying, so Baekhyun slows down their pace. "I don't care if I'm unfit. I just wanna go home!

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Baekhyun can't wait to tell Chanyeol about his new part in the play. As they're walking home (in other words, Baekhyun's house), Baekhyun, in the midst of swinging their arms together back and forth, lets out the news. 

"I'm in the play!" 


"I'm in the play!" Baekhyun repeats. It doesn't help Chanyeol understand anymore than what he already doesn't get. "Jongdae can't do it anymore so he told me that I should do it. So, like, I'm doing it!"

Chanyeol scoffs. The whole concept of plays and dramas is boring and uninteresting to him. It also sounds really stupid, but he doesn't say that because he can tell that the little runt's actually excited about it. 


"When is it?" the gangster asks. 

"It's this Saturday! Kind of last minute, but I just have to memorize 5 lines." Baekhyun looks up at him and smiles. "And then, I get to... Oh! Look!"

Pointing up at the window of his bedroom, Baekhyun exclaims, "Salem's sleeping!"

The black cat is, indeed, sleeping. His furry body is pressed against the window, making him look like a flat pancake. 

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a/n: every good joke needs a set up

leave me a comment i am very berry bUSY 

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