The Young, Rich and Handsome

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and he's the leader of the Handsomest Boys.

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Minseok's home is just like Chanyeol imagined it would be like. Gucci guest slides by the door, custom Louis Vuitton curtains, and a shit ton of other designer things that the gangsters can't pronounce.

Welcoming his allies into his home, Minseok unfolds his hand fan and begins fanning himself. "You've dressed in questionable gowns but it must do!" the Posh gang leader sighs as he leads the group to the dining hall where the rest of his members are waiting. "Hurry and take a seat. Though, please, do be careful. I can't contact the Gucci president personally until tomorrow so I'd rather not deal with a rip or stain on the seating."

Baekhyun is the most excited one, hurrying to pick a spot and sitting down. It's kind of cute to Chanyeol, but he'll never say that shit out loud. He follows after and sits down at a random seat that's coincidentally right next to where Baekhyun is sitting.

Sehun and Jongin sit to Chanyeol's right because they don't want to sit on the other side of the table where the they'd feel poor and middle-class sitting next to the millionaires.

Clearing his throat, Minseok takes the center seat of the dining table and sets his fan down. He then picks up a champagne glass filled with sparkling apple cider because he doesn't promote alcohol. "I am pleased that my gents and your group of rugged boys have united against a common, poor evil," he begins. "Junmyeon's family net worth of only $10 million is laughable at best, but we are not here to laugh at the unfortunate!"

Chanyeol glances over at Baekhyun who looks mesmerized by Minseok's wealth.

"We are here as friends enjoying a 5-star meal that some of us..." Minseok glances at Chanyeol's party, "may never taste again. To Posh Posh and the, uh... My apologies, Park, but what is the name of your established brotherhood?"

They don't really have a name... They were just... a gang.

Baekhyun decides to speak up. "The handsomest boys!"

Everyone looks at Baekhyun, but Minseok seems satisfied and continues on with his toast. "To the Posh Posh gents and the Handsomest Boys!"

"Yay!" Baekhyun exclaims as he lifts up his empty champagne glass. Everyone else does the same but with less enthusiasm.

Sehun leans over to Chanyeol. "Boss, Little Boss says we're the Handsomest Boys now."

"I heard," Chanyeol mutters under his breath.

Jongin, who's sitting the farthest away, leans over the table and cups his hands to his mouth as if it prevents anyone else from hearing him. "Is it official, Boss?" he whispers.

Chanyeol sighs, annoyed that the name is so goddamn stupid. He wants to lean over and smack Baekhyun at the back of his dumb head—

"If he says it's our gang name then it's our fucking name," Chanyeol growls to the two. Then the three of them look over at Baekhyun who's talking to Yoongi about the gold chains around his neck, oblivious to the gang meeting.

Once Minseok sits down, he motions for the butlers to walk in and begin serving the food.

"Now, I suppose we should talk about student affairs," the PPG leader says. "Will you all be going to the senior trip?"

Sehun and Jongin nod while Baekhyun is the only one that verbally answers. "Yes!"

"Then PPG shall expect to see you all there."

Drawing his brows together, Chanyeol frowns. "What do you mean you expect to see all of us there? You don't attend our school."

"But we are all part of the same district," Minseok explains, rolling his eyes. "Therefore, we shall see each other at the camps! Of course, our private school will have more accommodating cabins and activities, but in spirit and geographical location, we are given the chance to possibly see one another!"

Sehun blinks. "Wait, does that mean—"

"Oh! That reminds me!" Baekhyun starts. He pauses to thank the butler for setting his first dish in front of him. "Junmyeonnie told me he'll also be there with his school! He said we could hang out and I said that we can if he promises not to throw me over his shoulder!"

Kyungsoo, bored of picking at his green beans, potatoes, and tomatoes, sets his fork down. He's tired of vegetables. "What about you, Park Chanyeol? Will you be going?"


Glum like soggy bread, Baekhyun sighs. "He said he doesn't want to! He thinks it'll be stupid and boring."

"And a waste of time," Jongin adds.

"Chanyeol hates the outdoors," Sehun explains. "Says it's dumb and ugly."

"That's not what I said!" Chanyeol exclaims, slamming his fist on the table top. "You idiots heard me wrong! I said I was going even if it is a waste of time, annoying, dumb, and ugly!"

Baekhyun cocks his head. "But you said—"

Jongin stops him. "You hate camping! You've hated it since you got poison ivy when you were eight!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Chanyeol glares at him. "I fucking love camping. I love camp fires and sitting around those stupid logs and telling stories."

Sehun scratches his head. "Boss—"

Little Boss interrupts them all with a squeal as he hugs Chanyeol. It catches everyone off, especially Chanyeol.

Covering his eyes, Taehyung makes sure he doesn't witness the hug. It would not make him a good Christian boy to witness intimacy with his naked, psychic eyes.

"So, you're really coming?" Baekhyun asks for confirmation, excited, happy and oblivious. When Chanyeol gives him a rigid nod, the brunet giggles. "Yay! We can be roommates and make tents together!"

Suddenly, Taehyung holds his head between his hands. His psychic eyes could not protect his ears from hearing words that triggered a vision that wasn't so Christian.

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A/n: first update of the year! Gay

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