Say Honey

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Summary: Sehun meets a real gangster (?).

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It's almost Christmas and Sehun doesn't know what to get Jongin. He already has a gift for the others like Jongdae and Minseok, but Jongin's hard (no, bro. Not that kind of hard) to figure out.

Then again, Jongin is seeing that Taemin guy who's a professional dancer for the local community theater. Sehun doesn't know how to compete when he's not as locally famous as Taemin.

He sighs, staring at store front window.

Maybe he should get Jongin a card?

Merry Kissmas, bro. Haha. Sike! I meant X-mas cause you're the X to my XOXO hugs and kisses haha bro—

No, that's a dumb idea.

Fixing his scarf, Sehun turns around and starts walking again, passing couples along the way. He's just one lonely bean in a world full of beans with girl-beans and boy-beans.

He looks at his phone, wondering if he'll be able to make the bus on time at the sluggish rate that he's moving, but ends up tripping on his own feet.

His knees hurt like hell, but he wasn't expecting any help from anyone at all... Especially not from a handsome man (haha a bro?).

"Are you alright?"

The guy kind of has an accent, but Sehun can understand him perfectly. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure? I'll have my security guard carry you to my limousine and treat your knee if he has to."

Security guard? Limo?

Sehun blinks.

Is this guy in the mafia? He's never met a real gangster before...

"It's all good! My knee's used to this. I did a lot of kneeling in high school," Sehun explains, pointing at his knee caps. "You know, sitting down and stuff."

"Well, if you're sure that you're okay, then I suppose I should let you get on your way."

Sehun nodded. Behind the man is a tall, unhappy security guard wearing sunglasses (even though it's snowing). "Thanks for helping me out! I really appreciate it, you know?"

"Just doin' what I should do for another bro."


Elated, Sehun gasps. "Oh, the bro code!" he says, excitedly before remembering he has a bus to catch. "Ah, shit. I gotta go. What was your name again? Sorry I didn't get to hear it."

"It's Luhan!" They shake hands. "And that's my security guard, Yifan!"

"Nice to meet you guys but I have to get going or else I'll miss my bus," Sehun sighs.

Frowning at him, Luhan cocks his head before asking, "Where're you going?"

There's a saying about how kids shouldn't get into cars with strangers.

But Sehun's not a kid and Luhan's not a stranger. He's Luhan.

"My friend's place. We're hanging out."

It's a nice, chill day to sip soda and play Minecraft. Jongin's in charge of mining and finding coal. Meanwhile, it's Sehun's job to farm the animals and cook the meat at home. Sometimes, there may be an exploding zombie ruining their irrigational crops, but he has to do what's needed while Jongin's underground.

On the bright side, he has tamed wolves to keep him company.

"Do you want a ride?"

Sehun thinks about it and does a little mental math before shrugging. "Sure!"

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A/N: small commercial break

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