Favorite Concept

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Summary: Chanyeol will always be Baekhyun's favorite gangster. And he doesn't even need to think twice about it.

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December 2014

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Hottest Topic of the Season: LOEY

Interview With LOEY!

LOEY x Lotte World: Grab your season passes today!

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Fall was slowly creeping around the corner and Baekhyun already knew it ever since he sneezed when a cold burst of wind hit him as soon as he left the engineering building. The weather was so fickle.

Finals were coming up again, which sucked, but Baekhyun doesn't mind. First of all, he really likes studying in the library. 

Well, he likes to study in general since smart boys are cute boys and Chanyeol mutters sometimes about how he's cute so Baekhyun just wants to keep up with his reputation.

But second of all... Christmas break. All he's been looking forward to since the semester started was to just stay at home and cuddle and watch terrible movies on Netflix.

Taking out his phone, he smiles when he sees Chanyeol's name.

[ From: Yeol ❤️🥰 ] I'll be done with the schedule at 2 p.m.

[ From: Yeol ❤️🥰 ] Your group meeting ends at 3, right? Wait by the Coffee House around then. I'll come pick you up.

He texts back as he walks to the CoHo. It's not the safest thing to do, but Baekhyun's used to texting and walking like a pro at this point since all he wants to do is talk to Chanyeol.

It's kind of hard getting the time to talk to the dumb giant; mostly because he's so busy nowadays. Not BUSY busy, but there's probably a stupid rule where he can't text his boyfriend on set or something. Baekhyun doesn't really know, but from the few times that Chanyeol actually let him tag along on set, it looks like there's never a time to just sit down and chill... and cuddle.

When he gets to the cafe, Baekhyun decides to sit at one of the outdoor tables, nearest to the drop-off zone.

These days, Baekhyun can't really scroll through his feed without seeing Chanyeol everywhere. And it's so funny because...

Baekhyun can't help but laugh out loud.

Chanyeol's sexy face.. is just his regular face. The same face he makes when he doesn't want to be somewhere. And when they make him smile, it's the same smile he gives when he's threatening Baekhyun to eat his vegetables or "no cuddles".

Behind every picture, Baekhyun can see what the gangster's thinking...

In fact, looking at where they are now, a part of him kind of... misses the hardcore gangster that Chanyeol used to be. From the messy school uniform to the way he used to skip class to play fight on the rooftop with the Handsomest Boys.

Who would've thought that the same boy who used to yell at him to leave him alone would be the first one to call if he ever texted him about a bad quiz score...?

Yet, Baekhyun likes it that way.

He likes the way that he's seen all sides of Chanyeol, even the part of him that the public doesn't know about.

Because despite the fact that LOEY may feel like a celebrity who belongs to the public now, Baekhyun knows that Chanyeol will always be his.

The sound of a car pulling up takes Baekhyun out from his wandering mind. As he walks over, Chanyeol gets out of the driver's side and goes over to meet him. 

"Hi, Yeol!" Baekhyun gives him a hug, which is immediately reciprocated (along with a quick kiss on his big brain forehead). "How was the shoot?"

"Too long." Chanyeol groans inwardly as he reluctantly pulls away. "My back hurts, honestly."

"You're getting old, Yeol~"

"Ugh," Chanyeol opens the door for him. "Probably. This shit's draining."

"But I like seeing you in magazines." 

"I know you do. The collection in your closet says you do."

Baekhyun laughs as the latter rolls his eyes and shuts the door in his face. 

When Chanyeol re-enters on the driver's side, Baekhyun does his usual routine and holds out his left hand. Once Chanyeol puts the car in drive, he lets his runt lock their hands together. 

"We have to stop by the grocery store today, remember? Also, Salem needs his kibbles."

"Didn't I just buy him some the other day?" 

"You bought the wrong kind so he won't eat it, Yeol. Cats are very demanding, you know."

"That cat is being picky on purpose." Chanyeol keeps his eyes on the road, but he can feel Baekhyun squeeze his hand. "What?"

"Nothing," Baekhyun says,  grinning. "I just think you look handsome today. Can't believe I get to call you my boyfriend and everything!"

One thing that Chanyeol really hates (or he hates to admit that he likes) is when Baekhyun makes positive, flirty comments about his looks... especially after a shoot. 

"Can you shut--"

"But it's true! Every time you come home dressed up in a different concept, it's like I fall in love with you all over again!" Baekhyun kisses the back of the grumpy giant's hand. "Though, to me, you'll always be my boyfriend. That's my favorite concept."


"Yeah. I love you lots. That's why."

Stopped at a red light, Chanyeol turns his head and looks into the same soft brown eyes that he'd been in love with since (probably) the first time the little runt approached him after school...


"Having you as my boyfriend is my favorite concept, too."

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The End

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