Countdown (5)

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Summary: Everything's awkward and Chanyeol has some regrets.

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Tahoe is fucking cold, but it reminds Chanyeol of Seoul during the winter time so it's not that new. There's just a bunch of fucking trees and the whole "put chains on your wheels" thing that a police man told them on their way up there. Apparently it helps prevent the tires from skidding and makes sure that traction is there but what does Chanyeol know.

When they get to the cabin, it's a lot bigger than Chanyeol expected. It's definitely bigger than his apartment or Baekhyun's old house next to their high school but there are 8 of them so it's a full house anyways.

Of course, Baekhyun's sharing a room with the guys and the girls have their own room.

"Yeol, you and I can sleep on the same bed." Baekhyun's a lot more optimistic than he is. By the time they finish dragging their luggage up the stairs and down the hall to their room, Chanyeol can tell it's just not going to work out.

"I think it'd be better if I sleep on a couch somewhere."

There are three beds. Two of them are bunk beds and the other one is a lofted bed, but they're all practically the same type of single mattresses. Not even twin.

They definitely won't fit together.

Frowning at him, Baekhyun tries to argue the logic behind it with attempts at persuasion. "We'll fit! I can sleep on my side and you can, too! Or we can try scooting to the edge and—"

"It's okay. I think we'll both be more comfortable if I sleep somewhere else." Chanyeol takes the handle of Baekhyun's luggage away from him. "I'll just put this away for you."

"But I want to sleep with you!"

"It's not possible with those beds, babe."

"Okay, but we can try to make it work."

"It's not that easy." Chanyeol shakes his head. "Don't worry. We'll be spending a lot of time doing other things."

Sighing, Baekhyun gives up. The gangster's right. There will be more stuff to do than just sleep...

"Okay," he says. "I'll just change really fast. We're going to eat dinner at the diner we passed by on the way here."

"I'll wait downstairs." After putting their bags inside the room, Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun close and kisses him on the forehead. "On the bright side, we can cuddle back at your house after this trip."

"You're right!" Baekhyun hugs him tightly. He never wants to let go. "I forgot about that."

"Yeah, I know you did."

Pulling away, Baekhyun laughs as he runs a hand through his hair. It makes Chanyeol wonder if his hair's always been that fluffy.

It probably has.

"I'll be really quick! If you need anything, I think you can talk to Jennie. She's okay with Korean. Just don't say anything too complicated— Oh! But she's better at reading so if anything, you can just write to her."

Nodding, Chanyeol steps out of the room. "I think I'll be fine for a few minutes. Meet you downstairs."

When Chanyeol leaves, Baekhyun stops smiling. He looks back at the beds, upset that they're way too small.

The beds ruined everything.

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[ From: Jinah ] Junmyeon's dad got mad at him for using the jet.

[ From: Jinah ] We won't be able to pick you up so I just booked you a flight home on the 27th.

Chanyeol stares at the message for a while. Then, his attention gets pulled when he notices two people take a seat on the couch right next to him.

It's Ross and Jen.

"Hi! We saw you were alone," Jen says awkwardly. "Do you like Tahoe?"

"Uh, it's fine. It reminds me of snowy days in Seoul."


Ross nudges Jen. "Ask him how he and Baekhyun met," he whispers.

"Uh..." Jen smiles, but Chanyeol can tell she's having a hard time trying to find the right words. "How did you and Baekhyun... together?"


Chanyeol tries to keep his answer simple.


"Ah..." Jen turns to Ross and whispers, "He said they met in school."

"Fuck, that's cute."


Chanyeol watches them whisper back and forth for a few seconds before glancing up at the stairs. Baekhyun still hasn't finished.

"Chanyeol?" Jen says, calling his attention. When the gangster looks over back at her, she asks, "Are you happy? Here?"

It takes a second for Chanyeol to realize she's asking about the trip and not about his relationship. Fuck. Maybe he should've been paying more attention during English class. It would've been helpful. "Yes. I am."

"Do you like American food? Do you like steak? We're going to a restaurant soon."

Chanyeol smiles at her... but he's mostly smiling at the effort. "I do."


"He's a man of very few words," Ross mutters to Jen before turning back to smile at the giant sitting across from them.

"I think it's because he's trying to be nice to me."

To Chanyeol's relief, Baekhyun finally emerges, making his way down the stairs. He looks the same as before except that he had changed his hat to a yellow beanie. "Okay! I'm ready!"

Standing up, Chanyeol waits for Baekhyun to skip over to him.

"Where's Jon? And Sam?" Baekhyun asks as he hooks their arm together. "I didn't see them upstairs."

"They're in the car already. Lizza and Jay are still in our room," Ross replies. He looks back at the hallway leading up to their shared room. "Let me go get them. They're taking forever."

Chanyeol purses his lips and glances down at Baekhyun. The little runt slowly slips his fingers in between the giant's. "You took your sweet time."

"I had to change my hat! See?" Baekhyun tilts his head. "I like yellow."

"I can see that."

"If you ever get lost, it'll be easy to find me." Laughing, Baekhyun holds on to the latter's arm tightly. "You'll come find me, right?"

"I'd have to get lost first," Chanyeol snorts.

"Well, I get lost all the time!"


"In your eyes."

Chanyeol stares at him for a moment before shaking his head, laughing— even though he doesn't want to fucking laugh.

It's a stupid fucking joke.

But Baekhyun's cute.

So it's a stupid fucking—cute—joke.

Just as he's about to respond, Ross comes back with Lizza and Jay in tow behind him. "Okay, let's go! I'm hungry as fuuuck!"

As the four of them went ahead, the gangster preferred walking behind them. When they step out of the cabin, Chanyeol notices Jon looking at them from the driver's seat before looking away.

It makes him feel... annoyed.

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A/n: awko tacos

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