One Punch Man

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun fights for his gang membership card.

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Chanyeol's friends are scary, but also, they're kind of fluffy, so Baekhyun doesn't really get scared even when he meets Jongin again.

"Hi! I remember you!"

Glaring at Baekhyun, Jongin scoffs. "So, he really is your boyfriend, huh?"

"He's not!" Shit. It was starting to get annoying having to keep explaining. "I brought him out here because he said he wanted to fight."

Oh Sehun, who's notorious for littering (a school crime), catches Baekhyun's attention when he throws yet another gum wrapper on the ground. "Who's he fighting, then?"

"Me," Chanyeol says without any hesitation. He glances over at the runt who's still smiling. "I'm gonna teach him a lesson."

"I'm a quick learner!" Baekhyun tells everyone, not expecting the laughter that followed. "What?"

"Nothing. Drop your bag over there." Chanyeol points to a location near the rooftop fence. "You're going to fight right now."

Baekhyun frowns. "I didn't even stretch yet!" 

"Who the fuck stretches?" Jongin comments. 

"I do! But okay! Hold on." Running over, Baekhyun excuses himself long enough to leave his backpack to where Chanyeol commanded and then runs back. "Ready."

Chanyeol holds his fists up, boxer style. "Okay, then. Come on. Hit me."

Baekhyun does the same except his fists look tiny compared to Chanyeol's. "You go first!"

"I don't think you want that, Hoon."

Annoyed, Baekhyun huffs. "Are you chicken, Yeolk?"

Giving him a look, Chanyeol drops his hands. "What the fuck did you just call me?"

"A chicken."

"You said Yeolk, you idiot--"

"And you said Hoon. My name's Byun Baekhyun!"

Growling, Chanyeol curls his fist again. This time, he makes the first move. "Whatever."

Just as he throws the first punch, aiming for Baekhyun's stupid face, the little runt surprises him by moving to the left and grabbing Chanyeol's right hand by the wrist. Before Chanyeol can say or do anything else, Baekhyun uses his left arm to bend the giant's arm back until Chanyeol's ultimately forced on the ground with Baekhyun sitting on top of him. 

There's silence.

Of course, Baekhyun breaks it.

"Does this mean I get my gang membership now?"

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a/n: this is a small thank you for everyone who helped me with my spanish essay draft!! I was practicing my writing because I had to write an essay in class and all of your revisions helped me finish 20 minutes before the end of the class so thank you c':


ko-fi: (if you would like to buy me ko-fi to support my work! ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ )

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