He's Kinda Hot Though

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun thinks it's kinda hot.

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Settling into the cabin was all fun and games. On the way there, Chanyeol watches Baekhyun carry his (heavy) belongings down the trail, looking like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. For a second, he thinks about helping the runt, but the brunet looks determined to do it all on his own so Chanyeol leaves it at that. Sehun and Jongin manage to switch places with another pair so all four of them can stay together in the same cabin which is either a blessing or a curse. 

The cabin is old and basic. There's nothing interesting about it until Baekhyun steps inside, giving the small 4-bed space some life (not that there was much of it before). 

"Oh, no," Baekhyun says, pouting as he looks around. He puts down his things on the bottom bed of the bunk immediately to the right of the front door. Then, he turns back to Chanyeol who's staring at him. "These beds are too small for two people!" 

"What'd you expect?" 

"Bigger beds! For cuddles, you know." 

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, putting his things on the ground. Sehun enters a few seconds later, immediately tossing his things to bottom bunk of the other bed set. He looks like he's in a hurry, but it doesn't compare to Jongin who almost shoves Chanyeol to the wall trying to get in.

"Can you two fucking watch it!?"

Baekhyun reaches over and touches Chanyeol's arm. Then, he gently presses the tip of his index finger to the gangster's lips. "Inside voices, okay?"

Suddenly, the room gets a little hot--too hot for Chanyeol's liking. Fucking nature and shit.

He takes a step back, removing himself from Baekhyun, and decides to focus his attention to his scrambling members. "What the hell is going on!" he growls (not too loudly).

"There's an hour before lunch so they're letting us all go down to the lake," Jongin says, pulling off his shirt.

It's the first time Baekhyun sees Jongin shirtless, and it's the first time he sees what's underneath. 

Chanyeol hears a very quiet gasp behind him. He barely hears it, but when he turns his head around, he can see that Baekhyun's staring at things he shouldn't be staring at. 

"There're gonna be so many girls. I can probably get a girl to show me a single titty before sun down," Sehun says, half moaning. One titty isn't asking for much. It wasn't even a whole pair.

Then, he throws his shirt off, tossing it to the side. 

Chanyeol hears the gasp again. This time, he notices that the little runt is actually blushing. Fucking blushing. 

The gangster's attention is pulled back to his members when he hears the familiar sound of belts being undone. Before he can react, Jongin is the first to bend over and pull everything down with his butt bare and in the air.

Baekhyun squeals and hurriedly runs behind Chanyeol, grabbing onto him while he hides himself away from Jongin's butt. "Um... So, are we all going swimming then?" he asks, nervously laughing. 

"Well, everyone will be there." Shaking out of his clothes, Sehun bares it all for his friends minus Baekhyun. "You can go if you want. I'll be a busy, though."

Reaching behind him, Chanyeol touches Baekhyun by the waist and makes sure he doesn't see any of the things flopping around while the two change into swim trunks. After they finish redressing, they grab their towels and rush out of the cabin.

Once they're gone and Chanyeol is left alone with the fumbling brunet, the gangster takes a step to the side (since his protection is no longer needed). It annoys him that Baekhyun's avoiding his eyes, almost like he's still...blushing.

Realizing what's going on, Chanyeol stomps his foot on the ground. "Hey! Stop that!" 

"Huh?" The foot stomp is enough to make Baekhyun raise his head, confirming the giant's suspicions. 

Chanyeol can feel heat rising to his cheeks and it's not for the same reason. "Why're you blushing?"


Oh my god. 

His fucking runt just stuttered.

Baekhyun purses his lips together before he lets out a big, loud sigh, falling back on his bottom bunk. "Jongin and Sehun are...are..."

"Are what?" Chanyeol says, challenging the brunet.


Chanyeol starts tapping his foot. It's the only way he can release some of his energy without physically exploding.

He tries to convince himself that he's not salty. He doesn't care if Jongin and Sehun are "hot" because he's not fucking salty.


Walking over to where he left his belongings, Chanyeol kneels down and begins rummaging through his bag. He curses when he realizes that he never brought swim trunks, only a pair of basketball shorts. 

"Where are you going?" Baekhyun asks when Chanyeol throws a towel over his shoulder, ready to head to the shower area to change because he sure as hell isn't going to change in front of an audience (who thinks his friends are hot). "Can I come?"

"No!" Chanyeol replies a little too loudly. Noticing how he startled the latter, he coughs awkwardly. "I'm gonna go fuck around with them. Go find BMW boy or something. Don't follow me."

"But I wanna go, too!" Baekhyun protests, frowning. "We can jump off the dock together and swim around. Maybe we can even sit around the beach area and just, oh, I don't know! Kiss before lunch! Or we can--"

"What part of 'don't follow me' are you not getting?"

Pausing, Baekhyun gives him a look. "But that's not fun," he said quietly. "I want to be with you, though."

"You can have fun by yourself or with Sehun." Chanyeol's bitter, but he lets it slip a little too far. "Maybe you can ask Jongin if you can play with his washboard, too."

It goes over Baekhyun's head. "He has a washboard? But why?"

"Never mind!" Exasperated, Chanyeol pulls the door open and steps outside, leaving the runt by himself. 

As soon as he does it, he regrets it. The feeling is in the pit of his stomach, but he's too embarrassed to back inside and apologize--or some shit like that. 

He's standing outside the cabin at a loss.

Chanyeol doesn't know how to un-salt.

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a/n: i have an idea and it involves the beach lol so anyways

leave me a comment!! uwu!!  What was your first chanbaek fic :D

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