Ride or Die

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun wants to be roommates.

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"Let's room together on the senior trip!" Baekhyun begs with his arms wrapped around Chanyeol's waist as the gangster's trying to walk to his motorcycle. It's after school and other people are watching him drag the little runt behind him. "Pleaaaase?"

"I told you before!" Chanyeol sighs, feigning annoyance. "I'm not going on the trip."


"Because I don't want to go into the woods and sing camp fire songs with all of you!" Growling, Chanyeol tries to get him off but it's no use. "Go room with your friend. The one who drives a stupid BMW."

"Jongdae? But he's already rooming with someone..." Baekhyun loosens his hold, eventually letting go. It startles Chanyeol for a few seconds (and to be honest, he's kind of sad, too—but anyways). Then all is well again when Baekhyun reaches for the gangster hand and holds onto it. "Also! If we're roommates, we can do things like, uh, have story times! And it's like a sleep over! Oh, and we can, you know, kiss! Jongdae says it's where all the couples kiss and touch each other."

As he giggles, Chanyeol stops walking. Then he looks down at their hands. "Why can't you go kiss someone else?"

He doesn't mean it.

"Because you said I'd get herpes if I kiss people I don't like!" Baekhyun reminds him. Smiling, he pulls himself closer to Chanyeol. "Besides, can you imagine? Kissing in the woods? Think about how romantic that is!"

"That's not romantic."

They reach Chanyeol's motorcycle where it's usually parked. Letting go of Baekhyun's hand, Chanyeol unlatches the helmet attached to bike and fastens it on himself.

Then, he turns to Baekhyun. "Put on your helmet or I'm making you walk home today."

"Oh! You're right! Safety first!"

Baekhyun laughs excitedly as he takes out the key Chanyeol had given him a while ago and unlocks the other helmet attached to the bike. In true Byun Baekhyun fashion, the helmet features stickers of corgi butts and Aggretsuko all over the front.

Chanyeol thinks they're tacky, but he doesn't say anything about it.

Once the light purple helmet is on Baekhyun's head, Chanyeol motions for him to get on the back, which he does. Once settled, Baekhyun hugs the gangster from behind.

"As I was saying—"

Starting the motorcycle, Chanyeol revs up the engine, drowning out Baekhyun's voice. "I'm done talking about this. Let's go."

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Baekhyun frowns deeply as he stares into Chanyeol's eyes.

They're in his room after Mrs. Byun convinced Chanyeol to stay for dinner (again). While they're waiting, Baekhyun decides to straddle his boyfriend (again).

This time, Junmyeon's not there to distract them—or save Chanyeol.

Whichever way he wants to look at it.

"So, have you ever kissed someone before?" Baekhyun curiously asks, holding Chanyeol's face gently between his two (soft fucking) hands. "Like...with tongue?"


Baekhyun deflates a little bit. Of course he's not Chanyeol's first kiss. He's a gangster for crying out loud. There're probably 20 different people in school who've kissed the giant before him.

Seeing the runt suddenly discouraged, Chanyeol finds himself a bit flustered. "Stop looking so dumb!"

That didn't come out right.

"I know." It makes Baekhyun feel worse. He starts to lower his hands. "I can't do it— I don't know how to do it. I've never kissed someone but I want to kiss you! But you've already kissed other people and touched the tongue, but I don't know how to that because I've never done it! But I want to kiss you really, really bad and—"

Chanyeol stops Baekhyun's hands from leaving his cheeks. He keeps them there...against his face.

"You fucking talk too much," Chanyeol starts, glaring at him. "Maybe that's why no one wants to kiss you."

"Not even you?"

It catches Chanyeol so off guard than he almost pushed Baekhyun off of him...

But he doesn't.

"I'd kiss you if it was for charity." The words leave his mouth before he realizes what he's actually saying.

Baekhyun's expression is blank at best. At worst, he's even more hurt than he was before. "Okay," he says in a tone that Chanyeol can't decipher. "I'll donate $50 to charity if you kiss me. Right now. Show me the tongue!"


"You said you'd do it for charity!" Baekhyun tells him, poking his chest with a finger. "Isn't that what you said?"

"I didn't mean it like that—"

Baekhyun lifts up his bottom and plops back down on Chanyeol's lap. Then he does it again. And again. And again... And again.

"Pleaaase? Chanyeol, boyfriends kiss all the time! Pleeeeeease?"

And again.

It happens before Chanyeol realizes it's even happening.


He pushes Baekhyun off of him and gets up, leaving the brunet on his bed confused. "Are you mad?"

"No, I gotta take a piss," the gangster mutters before quickly turning his back and making a beeline to the door. "Where the fuck's your bathroom?"

Concerned, Baekhyun lets him go without making a big fuss. "Down the hall... Yeol, are you okay? Your face is all red!"

"I'm fine!"


Before he can say anything else, Chanyeol leaves the room and slams the door behind him.

(He comes back 10 minutes later. Baekhyun just assumes he needed to go #2)

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A/N: happy new year!

Leave me a UwU comment! What's your new year's resolution? Mine is to see EXO again this year.

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