Block Party

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Summary: Baekhyun's on the bunny hill and Chanyeol's just on a slippery slope.

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Baekhyun's wobbly on skis and falls a bunch of times. It annoys Chanyeol because the stupid idiot's probably going to have bruises later.

He usually likes snowboarding on his own, and Baekhyun even said (at one point) that he should just go down the big boy hill and leave him behind on the bunny hill— the easiest of the hills.

But that makes Chanyeol feel like shit— even if it's just the thought.

Staring up the snow hill, Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun gradually glides down. He's pretty slow... Even the little kids are going down faster than he is.

Chanyeol doesn't say anything about it.

"You're doing good," he says, nodding at his stumbling boyfriend. "Try and relax. It'll help you be more fluid."

"It's just scary! I feel like I can't stop."

"That's what your poles are for. Remember your feet position when you want to slow down or come to a stop."

Chanyeol watched as the runt slides past him. He waits a few seconds before boarding down the slope. He only stops after he's a little bit ahead. "I didn't get to talk to you about this earlier but... what do you want for Christmas?"

Baekhyun looks up from his concentration. He almost fumbles again. "Nothing...? I'm perfectly fine with you being my gift."

"Hm." Chanyeol purses his lips together. "That's nice, but what do you really want?"

"Um..." Baekhyun slides by him again. Turning his head, he says, "Maybe something handmade? Oh! Or maybe, personalized?"

Chanyeol twists his body around to maneuver his board downhill again. "Okay... What happened to the music box I gave you?"

Maybe he can craft something that can be added to the box.

Like a little add-on.

"Oh, um, it's in my closet. In my dorm." Baekhyun's knees start wobbling again. He's going a little too fast for comfort (in his point of view). "It bothers Jon sometimes when I play it and he likes the room quiet so— Ah! Fudge butter!"

Tumbling on the ground, Baekhyun groans once he manages to gain his balance. He puts his hands on the grown and heaves a push just to get himself back on his feet.

Chanyeol skids to a stop right next to him and helps the runt back up.

"Thanks..." Baekhyun mutters. "You know... I might not be that good at this. I'm kind of tired already!"

Looking at the end of the slope, Chanyeol figures it's not that far. "I think you'll be able to get down there all by yourself. Use your poles."

Adjusting his grip on the ski poles, Baekhyun nods. "Right. I'll try to remember that."

Leaving a small, tiny pause, Chanyeol moves, giving the latter space. The comment about the music box still bothers him, but...


He can't bring himself to bring that shit up and Chanyeol doesn't know why.

Maybe because it's not Baekhyun's fault that Jon's a fucking, whiny dumb ass with sensitive ears. For fuck's sake, get earplugs.

It makes him not like the guy even more even though he didn't like him to begin with.

"I'll go ahead and just meet you at the bottom." Chanyeol makes sure that Baekhyun's standing upright before slowly gliding down. "You'll be fine."

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