Sink or Swim

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Summary: Chanyeol's a wet gangster and Baekhyun's wet, too.

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It's the last day of the weekend trip and Chanyeol's ready to get the hell out of stupid fucking nature. He's tired of all the bugs and the mud. Even cuddling with Baekhyun is annoying since the little runt liked to move around a lot in his sleep. Adding onto that, Jongin likes to sometimes scream himself awake before passing back out, and it's unbearable.

Standing over a ledge, Chanyeol peeks over and watches as one of their group mates jumps off, hitting the water like a sloppy pancake.

There's a line for all of them to go one by one. Baekhyun's near the middle while Sehun's up next. Frowning, Chanyeol steps away from ledge and walks back to the rest of the other kids to stand next to Baekhyun. When the people behind the brunet start grumbling about Chanyeol cutting in front of them, the gangster is quick to turn his head and glare at them all.

Shut the fuck up or die.

All of them shut up immediately.

In the front, Jongin slaps his hand on Sehun's shoulder, cheering him on. "Good luck. If you die, I'll make sure to fuck a big ole titty in your memory.

Ignoring him, Sehun runs forward and hops off the end. Soon after, a splash is heard and the line moves up for Jongin's turn.

Chanyeol crosses his arms and glances at Baekhyun, who's watching with so much excitement that he's almost vibrating with anticipation. "Isn't this a little too dangerous for a small pipsqueak like you?"

"I don't really know. I've never swam before!"

Gaping with his mouth open, Chanyeol grabs the brunet's arm just as they're about to move forward again. "Did you just fucking say that you can't swim?"

"I mean, even babies can swim, Yeol."

"But you're not a baby," Chanyeol says, despite knowing full well that Baekhyun is, indeed, a baby (sometimes). "You're gonna drown, you idiot."

"Well, you learn best by doing, so if I do this, I'll learn how to swim." Before Chanyeol can argue any more, Baekhyun reaches out and holds his hand. "You can give me the kiss of a lifetime in case of an emergency."

Chanyeol's frown deepens. "It's called 'the kiss of life', dumbass."

Smiling, Baekhyun shrugs. "I know."

"Next person in line!"

The brunet gasps as he let's go of the gangster's hand and takes a step forward to take his turn. Chanyeol has the urge to wrap an arm around the boy's waist and carry him away from the line, but he's stopped when he feels a hand grab him by the shoulder. It effectively distracts him long enough for Baekhyun to break free.

Junmyeon's smug look annoys Chanyeol. "Well, well, well. Jumping off cliffs with my baby boo, huh!"

"You fucking—" Realizing that he doesn't have the time to argue with the rich snob, Chanyeol stops himself midway but when he turns around, the brunet is already jumping off the ledge. "Baekhyun!"


Chanyeol's frozen but Junmyeon immediately rushes to the side. There's panic written all over his face. "He can't swim! Baby boo can't swim!" he says, frantically trying to take off his shirt, revealing his six pack. "Baekhyunnie, float on your back! I'm coming!"

Without warning, Junmyeon jumps off the cliff and hits the water like a wooden plank. He almost hits Baekhyun just as the brunet surfaces a couple of feet away— and it makes Chanyeol really fucking angry. That ugly, rich loser almost hit his goddamn runt, who's trying to doggy paddle to the edge where Sehun and Jongin are cheering him on.

"Myeonnie! This way!" Baekhyun shouts as Junmyeon's flailing in the waters "Are you okay?"

"Yeah!" Junmyeon coughs up some water after he swallows it. "Just making sure you're alright!"

Baekhyun smiles at him before turning his eyes back to the shore. He keeps paddling. "I'm getting kind of tired but I think I'm okay!"

"Good... to... hear!" The middle-class gangster is breathless. Why the fuck is swimming so hard? "Um, I'll let you focus... Talk to you... on shore!"


Up on the cliff, Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun manages to paddle to the shore. He breathes a sigh of relief after Sehun reaches out and helps the brunet get a stable footing on the ground.

He's not planning on jumping. Instead, he turns around, getting ready to head back down the little pathway. But then Jinah's face pops up, and it's like Junmyeon never left.


Fucking hell...

Clenching his jaw, Chanyeol inhales sharply before turning his back to her and jumps off the cliff, too.

And once he swims up to the surface, he can hear Baekhyun yelling his name. It's a sound that's annoying... but close to his heart.

Without thinking much about it, he starts swimming in Baekhyun's direction.

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A/n: short update enjoy n goodnight!!!!

Ps: thank u for ur responses! I still have to count them all but thank u all for participating !!

Leave me a comment! Question: why do u think Baekhyun's moving ❤️


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