Sunflower Kisses

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster who witnesses Baekhyun's first kiss.

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Junmyeon continues to pick Baekhyun up from school for the next few days, and Chanyeol doesn't do shit about it because he doesn't care. If the little idiot wants to go and mess around with a rival gang member, then fine. It's not Chanyeol's problem and it never will be.

It's pretty obvious to the rest of the crew that Chanyeol's in a shitty mood. As they're standing in the courtyard, Jongin looks over to Sehun as they linger behind Chanyeol's looming figure.

"Maybe we should take him out to the movies or something."

"Better than just hanging around by the junkyard."

Nodding, Jongin walks over and hangs his arm around Chanyeol's shoulder, pulling him away from the sight of Junmyeon rubbing his nose against Baekhyun's pink cheek. "Hey, let's go watch that new action movie later today. It's on us."

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Taking Chanyeol to the movies ends up being a mistake, but he doesn't know that. Jongin spots Junmyeon and Baekhyun inside the venue after they had already purchased their tickets. He immediately tugs on Sehun's arm.

Sehun curses. "What should we do?"

"I don't know. Maybe they're going to go see another movie."

"Yeah, maybe--"

"What're you two whispering about?" Chanyeol asks. He eyes both of them before crossing his arms. "Well?"

When Chanyeol's pissed off, the best thing to do is avoid saying anything that could possibly make things worse. So, Sehun chooses his words carefully. " scared of action movies."

Turning his eyes to Jongin, who looks confused by his newfound fear of movies. "Y-yeah. It makes me want to never ride in a car ever again cause it might just flip over and kill me."

"That's a stupid fear, you idiot." Chanyeol sounds more harsh than usual, but they excuse it. Poor boy was just hurt. 

"Stupid to you, but vehicular death is a valid fear to me!"

Rolling his eyes at his friend, Chanyeol scoffs. "Whatever. Let's go."

Sehun quickly glances to make sure that Junmyeon and Baekhyun are gone. When the coast is clear, he hurries them in. "Okay. Let's go find some seats in the back."

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

Sitting in the back was a terrible idea. Turns out Junmyeon and Baekhyun are in the same theater, sitting not too far in front of them. Because it was so dark when they entered, Baekhyun didn't see who else was coming into the theater room, but Chanyeol could. 

And he saw them.

Sehun twiddles with his fingers as the previews play, Chanyeol's own fingers are digging into the armrests of his seat, and Jongin is anxiously eating his popcorn. There's not a lot of people watching the movie, but it doesn't matter because the giant's eyes are transfixed on Junmyeon's fat head and Baekhyun's noggin dome. 

"Do you want pop--"

Chanyeol stops Jongin. "No."

"O-Oh, okay."

Jongin looks at Sehun who makes a face. 

It was Sehun's turn. "So, fun fact about this movie, my brother's friend has an uncle who knows a guy that--"

"I'm trying to watch the fucking previews," Chanyeol says despite the obvious fact that his eyes are focused elsewhere.

Sinking into his seat, Sehun cringes. "Okaaay...."

Then, it happens out of nowhere. 

Just as the opening of the movie plays and the loud roar of opening begins, Junmyeon leans over and kisses Baekhyun on the mouth (or so it looks like in Chanyeol's eyes). It only lasts for a few seconds but after they pull away, the world seems to stop.

And then it tumbles down when Baekhyun closes the distance again and kisses Junmyeon on the lips (or so it looks like in Chanyeol's eyes). 

A car blows up on screen. 

Jongin jolts, losing half of the popcorn in his bucket. "My fucking corn!"

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a/n: late night update! good night!

ps: junmyeon won't be leaving that easy!

leave me a comment cause im a bum! (do you have any fic recs where they argue and make-up and maybe has a time skip or TWO? hehe)


ko-fi: (if you would like to buy me ko-fi to support my work! ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ )

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