Gang Bangers

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun's in the middle of a gang bang.


Minseok didn't disappoint with the "guns". 

As Chanyeol watches him pull up to Junmyeon's house where he and the rest of his other gang members are waiting, he notices that the guns sticking out the window, big, fat, and dangerous.

Each of the 3 members of the Posh Posh Gang (PPG for short) pulls up in a Lamborghini Murcielago, except for Minseok who arrives in his brand new Aston Martin. After parking on the side of the streets, Minseok leads the three other boys to Chanyeol, introducing them.

"I don't believe I have introduced you all to my gents. This is Do Kyungsoo," Minseok starts, motioning to the member with the least amount of hair on his head. "His father owns several oil rigs in the ocean, making him one of Korea's richest heir to a family fortune."

Chanyeol reaches out to shake Kyungsoo's hand but when the latter grabs it, he squeezes too hard, making Chanyeol wince as he pulls back. "What the fuck—"

"He's also very powerful. Show him your guns, Mr. Do."

Without saying a word, Kyungsoo shrugs off his black jacket, revealing himself in a plain white shirt. But it's a fitting shirt so when he flexes, his muscles are clear, toned, and hard.
The shirt makes a tiny tearing sound.

Pleased, Minseok turns to the next boy. "This is Min Yoongi. His mother re-married a millionaire, but due to a tragic accident while on a private yacht trip to Milan, he, as you commoners would say, died. Therefore, his misfortune turned into their multi-million fortune"

Chanyeol frowns as he looks over the boy. "And what can he do?"

"It's rather not gentlemen-like, but he spits fire." Minseok smiles. "Go on."

Yoongi pulls out a barbecue lighter and a flask that's usually meant for whiskey, but it contains a different type of alcohol. Putting the liquid and light in his mouth, he creates a fire that makes Shippuden era Sasuke Uchiha look like Genin.

Sehun takes a step back and hides behind Jongin who also steps back behind Chanyeol.

"Lastly, this is Taehyung." Minseok says.

At this point, Chanyeol's getting frisky. What if Baekhyun was already getting canoodled by Junmyeon and they were still out here blowing fires and shaking hands on someone's lawn?

"Now, Taehyung's different. I usually don't accept anything less than a 100 million, but he's special even if he is considered poor with an estimated net-worth of only 90 million," Minseok says.

"How so?" Jongin asks. The boy doesn't look too special.

"He's psychic," Minseok tells everyone proudly. "His great grandfather predicted the Titanic sinking and it did. It runs in the family. He'll be helpful to us."

"Okay, then shouldn't we get going?" Chanyeol asks, beginning to get antsy.

"Yes, yes. We shouldn't dilly dally! A turf is at stake! PPG, let us go!" As soon as Minseok says this, everyone starts running towards Junmyeon's mansion, but it's a long run. The front yard is a lot larger than any of them anticipated.

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