Simple Plan

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Summary: Baekhyun makes plans and Chanyeol drinks.

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Chanyeol starts hearing from Baekhyun a little less frequently but the runt always apologizes for it, and when they actually do video chat, it doesn't feel like anything between them has changed.

Baekhyun has his classes, group projects, and so on and Chanyeol just has his job.

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"So, we had turkey the other day for Thanksgiving over here, but I didn't like it."

It's autumn, so it's a bit more chilly than usual, yet Baekhyun still dresses the way he used to a few months back. He says it's because Southern California usually stays warm, minus the colder nights or the rain (sometimes).

"Why'd you eat it, then?"

"You know, American tradition! I don't know why. It's really dry and too big for anyone to finish."

"So are you still in break?"


"Until when?" Chanyeol asks.

"Next week." Baekhyun yawns, and Chanyeol can tell right off the bat that he's trying his best to stay awake. "I can't wait for Christmas break! My friends and I are going skiing up in Tahoe."


"Some place up north. Real wood-sie and stuff! The pictures kind of remind me of our class trip but with snow!"

Chanyeol looks at the time on the clock (even though he doesn't need to), and figures it's around 11p.m where Baekhyun's at. They hadn't talked in a while, even though the brunet's on a short holiday break, but Chanyeol doesn't want to keep him up either. It's not like they're talking about anything interesting or whatever...

Sighing, Chanyeol straightens up in his seat. "Hey, listen," he starts, looking off to the side. "I forgot I have to pick up a friend before work. I have to start getting ready earlier since it's gonna take more time if I have to pick them up on the way."

"Oh! I didn't know you started ride sharing with your co-workers!" Baekhyun laughs. "I thought you said only a small person like me could sit in the back of your motorcycle."

Chanyeol shrugs. "She's about the same size as you, so it works out."

"Oh... Okay, well, um...Yeah! I should let you go to work then! I'll talk to you later!" Baekhyun waves to the camera, but it's a little off... Yet, it slips right over Chanyeol's mind. "Love you!"

Nodding, Chanyeol offers a small grin. "Love you, too, runt. I'll text you after work."

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Hanging out with Sehun and Jongin feels like the good old times before Baekhyun joined them, but now it feels weird... Like those good old times are just that... Old.

Jongin still can't sing so it makes the whole Norebang experience wild as fuck. Chanyeol's honestly too drunk for any of this, but they were all drunk before they even stepped foot in the building.

"I gotta say what's on my miiiiiiind! Something 'bout us doesn't feel right these days." Jongin's crying with a half empty bottle of soju in his hands. "Life keeps getting in the waaAAAaaAaY!"

Chanyeol scowls, turning over to Sehun. "What the fuck's wrong with him?" he yells over to Sehun.

Sehun can barely hear but he heard just enough. "Oh, Jonginnie says he's suffering from one-sided love!"

Glancing over at their friend, Chanyeol rolls his eyes. "That's it?"


"Whenever we try, somehow the plan is always rearraaaanged!" Jongin sobs, holding the bottle close to his heart. "It's so hard to saaay..."

"He'll get over it."

Sehun frowns as he watches Jongin sway from side to side. "I've been trying to match him up with so many people and he's still not over this person! Talk about being in actual love!"

Sniffling, Jongin turns around and points at Sehun. "I've got to go on and be who I aaaaam!"

Supportively clapping, Sehun hollers. He stands up to cheer on his friend. "Yes! Be true to yourself, bro!"

Shaking his head, Chanyeol leans over and grabs another bottle of soju.

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[ 2013 ]

A lot of things are running across his mind, but Chanyeol's trying not to think about it too much. It only makes him feel worse.

Past failures and old conversations come crawling back to him. It's inevitable, though. How can he not?

The moment Baekhyun walks through Jongdae's front door and becomes immediately surrounded by everyone at the welcome party, Chanyeol pulls away from the group and leaves out onto the back balcony.


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A/n: ehueheuehuehue hope u enjoy!

Leave me a vote and a comment if a bad gurl xoxo 😘


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