Soft Hours Open

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun loves Park Chanyeol.

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Sehun snores. And he's sleeping in between them. Oblivious.

And Chanyeol knows the runt isn't sleeping because he doesn't hear that annoying soft breathing he knows to expect whenever—

Fucking hell.

"Are you going to sleep or not?" Chanyeol whispers—angrily.

Not that he's actually angry. He just wants the runt to go to bed so they can both stop staring at the tent ceiling in fucking silence (minus Sehun snoring).

"I'm just lying here, breathing."

"It's annoying."

"You're annoying."

Chanyeol freezes.

He's not used to Baekhyun saying that to him... or calling him annoying. The runt didn't even sound like he was trying to be ironic. It sounded like he meant it.

Which makes Chanyeol frown even more.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"I said," Baekhyun replies— in a weirdly calm voice, "you're annoying."

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol scoffs. "You should watch your mouth, runt."

"What're you going to do? Kiss it?" Puckering his lips, Baekhyun makes kissy noises. "I wouldn't mind."

It wakes Sehun up for a second but then he decides to knock back out. A broken heart will do that.

Wanting to be left alone in fucking peace, Chanyeol sits up and turns to his right, glaring past Sehun and straight at the runt.

"Why couldn't you have just gotten some new American boyfriend and fucking moved on like I wanted you to?" Chanyeol growls. He wants to yell but they're in a tent and Sehun's dead asleep. "Why the fuck do you have to make shit so complicated?"

Baekhyun doesn't say anything

"We tried the long-distance thing and it didn't work. You're better off with—"

"I lied," Baekhyun says, quietly interrupting the gangster even though they weren't being loud to begin with— since Sehun was sleeping. "Well, I didn't lie lie. I didn't do the dirty fuck with Jon."

This time, it's Chanyeol who doesn't say anything.

"I did date someone else, though." Baekhyun pauses. "And he was an engineer. Third year. Really smart—funny, too! I think you would've liked him."

Fat fucking chance.

"He was really nice, like all the time! He always held the door, dropped me off, said good-night..."

"The prick sounds perfect." Chanyeol tried to sound happy but he can't help that he sounds sarcastic and disgusted, which he fucking is— Still, he knows that's just his automatic response to everything gag-worthy. "What the hell are you doing here then—"

Baekhyun groans just thinking about it. "Because he was... just... so... annoying!"

It leaves Chanyeol confused.

"He was too nice— all the time! Always complimented me, wanted to talk about school and his internship. I was bored out of my mind! And the worst part? He didn't even watch Hell's Kitchen— or want to!" There's a deep... long sigh... and it's coming from Baekhyun's side of the tent. "It only made me miss you more. And we never finished Hell's Kitchen, too. I forgot what episode we stopped at.

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