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Summary: Chanyeol has the day off, and Baekhyun's just off.

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Baekhyun's been dropping fat hints here and there about how much he missed him, and Chanyeol notices them all. Even though Baekhyun seems so happy and cheery whenever they call, Junmyeon's always on the back end spilling all of the beans that Baekhyun tells him privately.

Apparently, the roommate situation did get better, but maybe a little better than Chanyeol would've liked.

"It's okay, loser. My baby wouldn't cheat even if there are better options out there! Like me."

Chanyeol used to hate it whenever Junmyeon dropped by the shop, but he is his mentor's favorite customer, apparently. Putting up with him nearly twice a week for the past four months really softened their relationship to what it was before.

But Junmyeon's still an annoying fuck.

"Wasn't going to say anything," Chanyeol mutters, lifting up the hood of Junmyeon's car. "I don't care about the roommate."

"But you should! The roommate cares about babe!" Junmyeon shakes his head. "I let my guard down once, too... Then BAM! He stole my heart and my stocks!"

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol looks back at him while pulling up the sleeves of his uniform. "Can you be a little less dramatic? You're fucking annoying me."

"I'm just saying, Park. Baekhyun cries a lot over you, sooo..."

"So what?"

"Roommate might offer his shoulder to cry on."

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Chanyeol doesn't say anything about what he knows because it'll only cause more trouble if he does. Still, it makes him feel like absolute shit knowing that Baekhyun's crying halfway around the world over him.

That shouldn't even be happening.

Maybe he should try a little harder and call more... But what good is that when Baekhyun's always busy whenever he calls, anyways?

They did have a fight about communication issues a few days ago. He could try on working on that and text back by the end of the day instead of letting things go forgotten.


Pulled out of his thoughts, Chanyeol blinks at the sight of Baekhyun waving his hand in front of the camera.


"Did you hear me?"

"Uh," Chanyeol says, trying to recall anything that Baekhyun just said in the last minute... He comes up empty. "I'm sorry. I kind of zoned out for a bit. What'd you say?"

Baekhyun pauses for a few seconds before repeating himself. "I asked you what you wanted for Christmas."

"Oh." Chanyeol shrugs. "Don't worry about gifts. You don't need to."

"But I want to," Baekhyun responds, visibly upset. "Sending a box will probably take too long, so maybe a little packet! I can send you some candy and a card— Oh! Maybe even a—"

"Babe, it's fine. I don't need any of that."

Stopping, Baekhyun frowns at the camera. "Then what do you want?"

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