Absolute Chanyeol

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun can't change his mind.

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Baekhyun snores really softly. It doesn't bother Chanyeol. In fact, he thinks it's cute.

Slowly, Chanyeol untangles himself from Baekhyun's arms and moves away. He hasn't been able to sleep for the past hour unlike the runt who passed out almost immediately after the gangster finished cleaning him up.

He sits up before grabbing his phone off the side table and unlocking it.

There are a few messages from Sehun. Something about the mafia. Chanyeol doesn't really know. If anything, he'll reply to it later since it didn't seem that serious.

The other texts were from his coworker, Jinah, Minseok and Junmyeon.

— Hi, Chanyeol! When will you be coming back to work?

Maybe you should take that little boyfriend of yours somewhere nice for once!

— Consider it a gift, friend!

— How's baby?

There was nothing worth responding to that would keep him distracted and away from his own thoughts. It was starting to annoying Chanyeol how he just can't—fucking—shake off the shitty feeling that he's... still not good enough.

Getting up from the bed, Chanyeol finds his folded clothes neatly on a chair nearby and quickly dresses himself. Then, he turns out and kisses the brunet on side of cheek before moving away and heading for the door.

He needs to time to himself so he can think about his option, the future, and... everything else.

Once outside in the halls, Chanyeol makes the decision to head downstairs to the bar. A drink or two will probably make him feel better.

Trying to act like the last four days didn't happen is something he's struggling with. Plus the fact that Baekhyun basically cut off all of his friends for him.

Sure, he thinks they're shitty— and they are. But still, he's going back to Korea and Baekhyun had to stay behind and deal with the repercussions.

And the question of how the hell they'll be able to continue on this same trajectory for the next four years is still unanswered. Chanyeol doesn't fucking know.

How long after the holidays are over are they going to be fighting on Skype about the same thing again?

Chanyeol frowns.

He doesn't want to think about it.

Fighting with the runt is probably the most... annoying thing in the world. He hates it— a lot. Not because Baekhyun's annoying or that his feelings are invalid.

It's annoying because it feels like he can never say the right thing and that, unless they're physically together, it's harder to make up and move on.

Chanyeol also really hates the thought that Baekhyun might even be crying after they end their calls.


The elevator rings and the doors slide open.

Raising his eyes off the floor, Chanyeol steps outside and makes his way over to the late-night bar.

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He probably went a little overboard with the beer... or beers, to be honest. But being drunk does make him feel sleepier so... it has its own set of benefits, too.

Then again, it only made him feel shittier than before.


Chanyeol's not a sad drunk.

He's really fucking not, but when it comes to thinking about that annoying runt and how he just wants whatever the fuck's best for him...

Everything's a mess.

When he re-enters their hotel room, Chanyeol barely catches himself from stumbling. It takes a few seconds to regain his stability.

Walking through the short hallway, he tries to be as quiet as possible, only to find Baekhyun sitting on the edge of their bed in a bathrobe.

It's not until Baekhyun looks up that Chanyeol's put on the spot. "Where'd you go?" he asks quietly. "I rolled over to hug you and you weren't there."

"Nowhere. I couldn't sleep." Chanyeol kicks off his shoes. "Sorry."

"But 'nowhere' isn't a place. It's not on the hotel map."

"Just don't worry about it." Walking over to the runt, Chanyeol kneels down on one knee until they're eye-to-eye with each other. "You should worry about more important shit like.... Fuck. College. And getting a Master's. Things like that."

"I don't want to think about school at... 1:30 a.m in the morning." Baekhyun catches a smell of something familiar... "I was worried— and why do you smell like alcohol? Did you go drinking without me?"

"Yeah. You were knocked out."

"Well, I'm knocked up now."

Chanyeol looks at him. "That's not what that shit means."

"Well, you said I was out, but I'm awake now so I'm up and—"

Heaving a sigh, Chanyeol shakes his head. "Anyways— I'm 10 seconds away from passing out so do me a favor and just go back to bed."

Baekhyun watches as the gangster stands up, shrugging his jacket off to the side. "But you look upset about something."

"I'm not." Plopping on the bed, Chanyeol groans as soon as he feels the soft mattress. "Come here and lie down next to me."

Questions run across Baekhyun's mind but he doesn't say any of them. Instead, he just crawls over and lies down with an arm over the gangster's chest.

In turn, Chanyeol turns over and holds the runt in a loose embrace. Closing his eyes, he sighs softly.

"Has anybody ever told you that you're just... so fucking annoying?"

"Mmm... Just you!"

"Just me?"

"Mhm!" Baekhyun laughs quietly. "But you don't mean it."

Chanyeol snorts. "Only sometimes."

"You love me, though. All the time."



The gangster gives the brunet a soft kiss on the forehead.

"You're right... I do."

Even if his decisions might say otherwise.

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A/N: good night lol I recently finished season 1 of peaky blinders don't touch me

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