Pushing Buttons

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and he pushes all of Baekhyun's buttons.

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1. Baekhyun likes Melona.

2. Baekhyun likes cuddles.

3. Baekhyun likes ice cream.

4. Baekhyun loves Chanyeol.

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Baekhyun's not with them during lunch. Again. He's off talking to the school administration about paperwork and transcripts... Stuff that comes with moving.

Chanyeol's not happy, but he doesn't say anything about it. Despite his silence, Jongin and Sehun can feel the vibe anyways so they try to fill it up with mindless talk.

"What's that little guy planning on studying again?" Sehun asks, eyes darting to Chanyeol before going over to Jongin.

"Computer science or something like that!" Jongin shrugs. "He'll probably learn how to hack and attack."


Thinking about that stupid nerd doing smart nerd things... makes Chanyeol sad.


"What're you two gonna do after graduation?" Jongin asks after a while of silence. "I'm thinkin' about opening a café. Don't know shit about coffee but I know girls love it."

"I think I'm gonna marry someone who's rich." Sehun smiles at his aspirations.

"Nice nice." Turning to Chanyeol, Jongin points at him. "What about you, boss? What're you gonna do while Little Boss is gone?"

Chanyeol never really thought about the future before because... he used to not care. At all.

So he doesn't... know.

"None of your business."

"Oookay." Jongin laughs for a few seconds before looking away. Then, he continues to eat his lunch while Chanyeol gets up and leaves them on the roof.

He also leaves behind his lunch... which Sehun packs up for him while telling Jongin, "Look what you did to boss."

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Baekhyun likes the thing that's not a fruit juice, and Chanyeol knows, but the gangster also knows that they need to plan for the beach thing so they don't really have time to literally fuck around. Plus there's Junmyeon party and Jongdae's party--all happening on the same damn Saturday for whatever fucking reason.

Planning for a beach picnic is hard, but it's harder when Baekhyun can't keep his attention in check and Salem's only goal in life is to trample on all of their notes and sit on the notepad.

Sighing, Chanyeol picks up the cat and places him on his lap, which Salem made himself comfortable in.

"Baekhyun, focus." The gangster taps the top of the brunet's head with a pencil. "What else do you want to bring?"

"Um, I don't know. Ice cream?"

"It's going to melt by the time we get there." Chanyeol looks at their list. "We can walk to a store if you really want it."

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