Mattress Wh0res

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun wants to go home with him.

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Throughout the rest of the week, Baekhyun practices his lines like his life depends on it--the same five lines that Chanyeol is fucking tired of hearing, but the second that Jongin complains about it, the gangster boss throws his member a death glare.

"What the fuck did you say?"

Jongin chokes on the baby carrot that's halfway down his throat. "Oh, uh—Nothing. These carrots sure are orange, huh? Right, Sehun?"

"Yeah. They have no business being that orange."

Chanyeol continues to glare at him until Baekhyun catches his attention again. While the gang's eating, the little runt is walking around the roof top, practicing his walk and other things the drama teacher taught him to do for the play taking place on Saturday.

"Yah! Stop messing around and eat your lunchbox." Chanyeol grabs Sehun's hand to glance at the time on the boy's watch. "You have five minutes before the period ends."

"I know, I know!" Baekhyun tells him, sighing. He stops what he's doing (which looks like he's trying to kiss the air) and skips over to the rest of the Handsomest Boys Gang. As he's settling down, Chanyeol hands his lunch box out to him. Once the brunet takes it from his hands, he sits down on the concrete ground. "Have you guys bought your tickets yet? They're on sale for $5! Oh, but if you wait to buy them at the door on Saturday, they'll be $10."

"We bought them yesterday from that nerd friend of yours—Jongdae." Sehun laughs, recalling how scared the boy was when he was being cornered by their Big Boss. "What's the play about anyways?"

"Yeah. Are there gonna be girls there?" Jongin sticks out his tongue. "EUHEUH!"

Sehun does the same, but more aggressively. "EUEHUEH!"

Chanyeol gives them an annoyed (and disgusted) look but Baekhyun giggles. He loves silly gangsters.

"It's, like, this weird fairytale mix of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, except... Well. I don't really know, but there's supposed to be this prince who'll come and save the sleeping princess from evil." Baekhyun tries to remember the script. "And, she wakes up from her true love's first kiss! Except there's supposed to be, like, four princes and some fairies. I think we're going to have zombie dwarves, too!"

"That sounds complicated," Jongin comments, brows raised. "What's your part again?"

"Oh, I have a very important part." Proudly, Baekhyun puffs out his chest (and his cheeks). "I'm Boyfriend Boy Toy."

"What the fuck kind of role is that?" Chanyeol says, snorting. He stops himself from rolling his eyes. "Boyfriend Boy Toy?"

"Well, you call me your boy bitch! It sounds the same," Baekhyun counters.

"It's not the same--"

Sehun coughs. "The bell's gonna ring in a few minutes." Packing his things back into his (brand new) lunch bag, the gangster also asks everyone if they have any trash. "We shouldn't litter. Girls don't wanna fuck boys who litter or else what's left? Dirty tiddies?"

"You're more smartest now," Jongin nods, agreeing with the wisdom. 

"Tch. You know what they say," Sehun shrugs, "Reuse, Re--um.. Reuse and Recycle."

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