Skype Dates

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Summary: Chanyeol has a new job and Baekhyun has boy problems.

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[ 1 month post graduation ]

Chanyeol finds a better job right after high school graduation, working to fix cars and motor vehicles under a family friend's mentorship. It pays a lot better than the convenience store, but he does miss the air conditioning a lot more since the shop doesn't have anything but fans on all day.

If he wants to work at a shop with AC, he probably needs to get formal training before getting hired by an actual dealership... He'll think about that later.

The money he makes is decent now. It makes hanging out with the "gang" (they disbanded) a lot easier than before, because now they can actually afford to go places instead of just walking around for free.

Baekhyun's still around. They did talk a lot in the beginning days when the runt was getting all settled in his new dorm, but shit's been rough since the summer program actually started.

Baekhyun still makes time and Chanyeol listens to him talk but it's hard to really relate to anything the brunet says because the giant's not there.

He still tries though.

The last time they talked was...

A week?

Chanyeol's not too sure. Work's been pretty constant between clients and cars; sometimes he just forgets.

But, for sure, it was last week.

They have a Skype date this weekend which is one thing to look forward to. It's the runt's turn to pick a movie that they can watch together. Maybe it'll be a RomCom again...

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"Can you hear me?"

Chanyeol nods. "Yeah. Are you in the study lounge again?"

"Yeaaah." Baekhyun looks around. "It's okay.  No one's here but me. Anyways, how was your day today?"

"Uh..." Chanyeol fiddles with his headset mic. "Decent, I guess. You?"

"Really fun and easy! I think my roommate's starting to like me now. Do you remember what I told you about him when I first got here?"

"How you thought he hated you?"

Baekhyun nods. "Yeah! I have a feeling that he thinks I'm annoying."

Snorting, Chanyeol rolls his eyes. "Sounds a bit familiar."

"Does it?" For a few seconds, Baekhyun frowns, staring off to the side. "Well, it's okay. I'll make him like me eventually, right?"

"Who doesn't like you, honestly?"

"Yeah, you're right." Baekhyun pauses for a moment... Then he starts typing. "Okay, so, for today, I thought we'd watch something cute, like... 10 Things I Hate About You."

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A/N:  to explain few things, the 2013 flash forwards and the present time are being told together in pieces because, eventually, everything that happens from now on will merge to what's happening in year 2013.


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