Get Out Me Turf

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and he's going to war.

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The movie plays in the background as Junmyeon leans in closer and closer... until the tip of his nose bops into Baekhyun's cheek. "This is how you fake a kiss."

Baekhyun frowns as the boy begins to pull away. "That was unrealistic!" he whispered back. "I can do it better. Let me try!"

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The next day at school, everyone already knows Baekhyun's the hottest shit in town who's dating the rival school's notorious gang leader Junmyeon. There's also a rumor that he lost his virginity already in the back of Junmyeon's infamous Quickie Alley, but it's unconfirmed and people aren't sure if it's true.

Nonetheless, Chanyeol finds himself hot and bothered.

Quickie Alley was Junmyeon's favorite alley way to have quickies. Pretty self-explanatory.

It didn't matter if it was with boys, girls, or a hand. Nonetheless, it remained as infamous as the man who practically lived there.

However, Junmyeon's different from all the other gangster in town because Chanyeol knows he's fake. Junmyeon was just a kid who wanted to rebel against his rich father, and Baekhyun was loving it.

The little runt was a gold digger.

Chanyeol wants to laugh. He finally got rid of the runt. What a fucking good day to be broke and poor! No gold to be dug up by runts who go by the name of Byun Baekhyun—

"Earth to Chanyeol!" Jongin said, snapping his fingers. For a second, the giant forgets they're on the rooftop again. "Did you hear what we said?"

"Obviously not, idiot!"

Jongin is quick to shrink back into his shell. "I said, are you going to the field trip next week?"

"Huh? What trip?"

"The class retreat!" Sehun said. "Heard a lot girls were gonna go. Might fuck around with a few of them if you know what I mean."

Jongin rolls his eyes. "You're going to get an STD one of these days! Like Baekhyun!"

Furrowing his brows, Chanyeol puts down his bento box. "The fuck did you say?"

Blinking, Jongin gapes. "I mean, that's the rumor. People are saying Junmyeon gave Baek a disease! What can you expect? Quickie Alley is full of it!"

Nodding, Sehun confirms that he's heard the same thing. "Lots of bacteria, too."

With his near-empty bento box, Chanyeol throws it aside and watches as it skids on the concrete flooring. "Will you two stop talking about that dumb ass!"

Cocking his head, Sehun asks, "Junmyeon or Baek—"


Jongin rolls his eyes. It's one of the few times he openly mocks Chanyeol in front of his face considering the giant's the leader again (now that Baekhyun doesn't hang out with them anymore). "You know, if you miss him, you can just say so--"

"I don't miss him. Who wants to miss that thing?" Chanyeol barks at him. 

"You don't want to miss him but you do." 

Glaring at the boy, Chanyeol contemplates whether he should commit a civil war between them and pick a fist fight. Jongin will probably lose the fight (and teeth), but Chanyeol would be losing a friendship and he still needs that until he graduates high school.

He ends up in a rut.

Sehun, who's been a bit quiet all this time, suddenly slaps his own thigh. "Let's start a turf war," he says. "Prove to Baekhyun that we deserve him more than Junmyeon's gang."

Jongin looks at him. "Junmyeon has a gang of five people. We're only a gang of three."

Chanyeol says nothing. He's just listening to see if Sehun actually has a good idea for once.

"You're right. We might need to take an alliance with the private school gangsters. The Posh Posh."

"Posh Posh?" Chanyeol burrows his brows together. "They're worse than Junmyeon's."

By worse, he means richer.

"Which is exactly why we should go meet with Kim Minseok. He hangs out at the Versace store downtown," Sehun says. "His father just became a billionaire. Heard that's how he became the new Posh Posh leader."

Chanyeol curls his hand into a fist. He hates rich people. He also can't believe they're going to war--and for what? For who? Byun Baekhyun?

He scoffs.

But he doesn't say anything about it either.

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a/n: No, Chanyeol's not going to war, he's just protecting his turf. That's all.

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