Spicy Boys

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and everything is a mess.

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The news leaks because Baekhyun told Junmyeon a few days ago that they were going to Lotte World. Consequently, Junmyeon also wants to go to Lotte World.

Apparently, he told Jinah about it and Jinah's fat mouth told Taehyung, who sent the vibes over to Minseok, who wrote a letter to the rest of the gang (and PPG) about a having a "jolly good day at the park with Park and Byun!".

What's supposed to be a quiet date together ends up being...


At least, that's what Chanyeol thinks when they're in line for entrance tickets and he hears Junmyeon's voice calling out to Baekhyun.

"Well, well, well! Fancy seeing you here at Lotte World!" Junmyeon walks right up to the couple with both of his hands at his hips. He walks with a lot of misguided confidence. "Chanyeol, I hate to break it to you, but you're too tall to be on any of the kiddie rides. Isn't that right, Baekhyunnie?"

Baekhyun shakes his head. "Nope! We're going on the big boy rides."

Junmyeon chuckles. "If you wanna ride something big, I still have a big cock!"

Chanyeol glares at him.

"I love chickens, Junmyeonnie! I'd never try and ride one!" Baekhyun shakes his head before he sees something standing behind Junmyeon. "Isn't that Minseokkie!"

And it is.

In a golf cart being driven by one of the park workers, Minseok waves at them as the cart approaches.

"Good morning, gentlemen! I heard the good news. Taehyung was a real gent and sent the good vibrations through the air and I thought, 'Ah! Lotte World? I haven't been there since I was a lad!'." He hops off the golf cart and pulls out his white Gucci gloves from the inside pocket of his Balmain jacket. "The rest of the PPG will join us all shortly. I'm afraid there was a little issue in terms of parking! It truly is gosh golly darn difficult to find a home for two Lamborghinis!"

Chanyeol sighs, but the little squeeze from Baekhyun's hand reminds him to keep his annoyance down. "Okay, anyways. Have fun. We're going now."

"On the contrary, dear friend! We are also waiting upon Mr. Oh and your dearest companion, The Rock!-Ah.... Oh, yes! Mr. Kim, the kai bai bo!"

"How many people did you tell about us coming here?" Chanyeol asks, looking down at the runt.

"Only Junmyeonnie!"

That explains it.

Chuckling, Junmyeon fixes his bucket hat. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see my favorite ex-boyfriend, even if he's hanging out with his very ugly rebound who'll never compare to the original-me."

"Quite rude!" Minseok tightens the Gucci belt around his waist before stomping over to his friend, investment rival, and (low-key) ex-male-companion-friend-with-which-romance-was-once-shared. "I was under the impression this would be a gentlemen event!"

"And I thought this would be a you-and-me event," Chanyeol mutters.

Baekhyun hugs the gangster tightly. "We can go in as pairs! You, me.... Junmyeonnie and Minseokkie can be a pair. And when Sehunnie and Jonginnie get here, they can stay together! I think it might be good, too, because I heard Sehunnie's not having a very good time on this one dating app and he was stood up but so was Jonginnie and-"

"Sounds good to me." Chanyeol is quick to try and lead them to the park entrance but Junmyeon's quicker. The millionaire grabs on to Baekhyun's wrist.

"Not so fast, Park! I haven't even said my opinion yet!"

"Your opinion matters as much as the last digit of my net worth, Kim! Zero!" Minseok laughs, covering his mouth with four proper fingers. "Now, let's compromise, shall we? The brotherly fellows, Oh and Kim are on their way. Taehyung said they took a ride...share? How dreadful! Nonetheless, they are on their way! I say, shall we all meet up for late-lunch? And if I must be Kim Junmyeon's companion for the day, then I shall. I am known for my charity work, after all."

Before Junmyeon can say anything more, Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun away. "Okay. Sounds great," he repeats- hoping it's the last time he has to get the point across. "See you guys in a few hours."

"Bye!" Baekhyun says, waving.

And as Junmyeon's forced to wave back at the love of his life being escorted away by the love of his life's love of HIS life- also known as his enemy-for-life- he sighs at the thought of love.

And ex-love.

He turns to Minseok. Then down at his shoes.

"Gucci Aces? Couldn't afford any Chanel?"

Minseok scoffs. "Didn't want to make you feel anymore incompetent that you already are, dear friend."

"I guess that's why you always order shoes one size up. To fit your ego!"

"Oh, please. You sleep in a king-size bed by yourself to make room for emotional low-budget baggage."

"Baggage that some people gave me!"

"I'm sorry you dress like a newly hired bell boy!"

Junmyeon huffs.

No, he doesn't!

He looks down at himself.


It hurts.

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Two bros.

Sitting in an Uber, on their way to Lotte World.

5 feet apart cause they're not gay.

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