Meet My Boyfriend

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster who's meeting the family for the first time.

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Salem is found not soon after. Turns out he was just spending a lot of time at the neighbors house, but it doesn't stop Baekhyun from crying when Chanyeol hands the cat over to him outside his house.

"I never thought I'd see you again!" Baekhyun  cries, pouting his lip. Chanyeol thinks he looks like a baby, but doesn't comment on it. "Thank you, Yeol."

"Don't mention it."

Really, don't.

"Do you want to come inside? I told my mom you were going to have dinner with us." Baekhyun smiles wide.



"Oh, Baekhyun! Is that you, honey?" Baekhyun's mom comes out of the house, smiles and all.

Chanyeol sees where he gets that stupid smile now.


"Hi, mom! This is Chanyeol! He's my, um..." Baekhyun glances at the gangster and it's the first time he stumbles introducing him to anyone. "He's my...friend that, uh, I told you about."

Glancing down at the boy, Chanyeol's almost... kind of offended by the downgrade. 

He shakes off the feeling.

"Chanyeol!" God, they say his name the same way. "I've heard so many nice things about you! Come in! Come in!"

Baekhyun's mom motions for him to enter their home and Chanyeol hesitates. But when the runt grabs his hand and starts leading him to the front porch, he's forced to walk.



He planned on leaving after eating dinner, but somehow Baekhyun convinces him to go upstairs to his room. So then, Chanyeol finds himself sitting on the brunet's bed with Salem on his lap, watching as Baekhyun's on the ground trying to get his small tv to turn on.

"Mom says it's best to rest a bit after you eat. What kind of shows do you like to watch?"

"I don't watch tv," Chanyeol answers. The cat on his lap is purring. His feet are all tucked and snuggled.

"Okay, then we can watch one of my favorite shows! Hell's Kitchen!"

Chanyeol snorts. "You like this shit?"

"Yeah, why?" Baekhyun asks, shuffling back to the bed and sitting down by Chanyeol's feet. "I think he's funny."

"No wonder you're so used to insults," the gangster mutters. 

Baekhyun laughs. "I'm used to it! And I know you don't mean it anyways, so you can't hurt my feelings!"

"You're still annoying," Chanyeol says.

Shrugging, Baekhyun grins. "But you think I'm cute!"

"No, I don't."

"Uh huh."

Chanyeol rolls his eyes. 

And then he starts to pet Salem.


a/n: a short update cause when was the last time i DID! # trash 


ko-fi: (if you would like to buy me ko-fi to support my work! ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ )

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