Shady Boys

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster but Junmyeon's a bad boy.

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The buses are there, all ready to take every last poor soul to god knows where. There's a system in place for who gets to sit next to who, but since Baekhyun is well-loved by all the teachers and staff, they secretly let him pick where he wants to sit for the ride to camp site...

And it's next to the school's juvenile gangster.

Chanyeol grumbles as he's forced to stare out the window while Baekhyun settles down next to him, fuzzy blanket on his lap and all. The bus isn't even moving yet before he pulls out a small plastic bag full of saltine crackers. 

"Keep your cracker crumbs to yourself."

Looking down on his lap, Baekhyun notices a few flakes that had fallen off the crackers. "Oh! You're right."

He licks his index finger and uses his saliva to pick up the stray flakes. Then he puts it back in his mouth. 

Opening his mouth, Chanyeol's about to say something... then stops. He decides not to comment on it.

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Chanyeol's woken up by the time the bus arrives at the camp, and the first thing that he notices is Baekhyun sleeping against him... and the crackers that had fallen from his hands and landed on Chanyeol's lap. 

Sighing,  he shakes his shoulder, trying to wake the latter up.


Pursing his lips, he hesitates for a second before using a hand to shake the brunet again. "Hey, wake up. You're heavy."


The teacher at the front starts to make an announcement and everyone around them is beginning to get up from their seat. After a while, it's just them sitting while everyone else is up and about, stretching. 

So annoying.

Chanyeol shakes the runt again. This time, Baekhyun groggily regains control of his body. He moves away from the giant next to him, but his eyes are still closed.

The phone on the runt's lap goes off, but everyone else on the bus was too busy talking to really hear it... except Chanyeol.

[ Junmyeonnieeeee Calling ]

♫  Be my bad boy, be my man. Be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend. You can be my bad boy... ♫

Yawning, Baekhyun finally peeks open his eyes. When he sees that it's Junmyeon, he answers, putting the phone  to his ear. "Myeonnie..." he grumbles while he rubs his eyes (Chanyeol holds his tongue as he stands up, but he's still stuck on the window side). "Yeah, we're here, too... I don't see you... Maybe we can meet later... Mhm...Mhm..."

There are to many gaps in that conversation for Chanyeol to fully understand but he can definitely follow along. 

And he doesn't like it.

"Okay, bye."

The second the runt hangs up, Chanyeol motions his hands outwards. "Grab your blanket and let's go, turtle brain."

Baekhyun doesn't take offense and does what Chanyeol asked him to do. "I don't have a turtle brain," he tells the giant as he steps out into the aisle where they're the very last ones to do so. 

"I didn't say you had a turtle brain. I'm saying you are a turtle brain." Chanyeol nudges him forward. "By the way, you have cracker crumbs all over your face."

"Oh." Baekhyun uses his tongue to clean the edges of his mouth. "Thanks!"


Just as they step off the bus, Baekhyun's name is immediately called, but not by a teacher. While everyone else is waiting for the bus driver to hand them their luggage from bus' storage space, Baekhyun is greeted by a rich, middle-class entourage. 

Junmyeon stands in the middle of five other boys who look like they don't belong in the rough-and-tumble lifestyle, but there they all are. Standing there like a mafia.


Grinning, Junmyeon takes a step forward (and so does his gang). He takes out a small box that one of the boys hands over to him and offers it to the brunet who's in awe. 

"What is it?"

"I got you Ray-Ban sunglasses since I wanted to keep your pretty, brown eyes protected. Wouldn't want you to get a moon burn from staring at the moon."

"Cool!" Baekhyun exclaims, putting the glasses on to try. "It's kind of dark! I can barely see!"

Baekhyun turns around to show Chanyeol the glasses, but he doesn't see the look of annoyance on the giant's face. The tint on the glasses is too strong.

"Myeonnie, are you sure these are sunglasses?"

"Baby, they're moonglasses."

Having had enough, Chanyeol takes the glasses off of Baekhyun's face and shoves it back into Junmyeon's hand. "Fuck off. He doesn't need your stupid moonglasses."

"I don't think I asked for your opinion," Junmyeon replies, sizing the giant up and down. "I'd also like it if you stopped trying to fuck my ex-boyfriend's virgin bussy. I'm trying to get back together with him if that wasn't made clear enough."

Sehun, who just finished grabbing his luggage, rolls up. "Do you need back up, Boss? And, uh... Little Boss?"

Snorting, Junmyeon laughs at him. "It still makes me laugh that you have this twig as a gang member. The only thing he'll snap is his back." Turning his attention back to the brunet, he smiles sweetly. "Baby, if you ever want to stop by Campsite B, I'll be in cabin 1."

Baekhyun frowns. "Junmyeonnie, I didn't tell you because the text wouldn't send, but I--"

Shushing him, Junmyeon shakes his head. "Say no more. I'll be waiting." 

As he walks away with his crew, the members of the Handsomest Boys stand in silence until Jongin eventually joins them. 

"What'd I miss?"

Instead of answering him, Baekhyun looks up at Chanyeol, gently grazing their hands together in order to get the gangster's attention. "What's a 'bussy'?"

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a/n: enjoy! i have an event planned lmao

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