17. the queen of mean

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"Wake up, Songbird

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"Wake up, Songbird." Uma said before she threw a top on the bed.

"I just wanna sleep." Bella mumbled before closing her eyes.

"I thought you wanted to see the Queen of Hearts." Uma said with a smirk, making the blonde sit up.

"I do." Bella said before she pulled the covers off herself and rubbed her eyes.

"Why do you wanna see her so badly?" Uma asked as she sat in a chair.

"It's complicated." Bella said with a small chuckle as she looked at her nails.

"Tell me."

"Turns out I'm adopted and the Queen of Hearts is my mom. Adam and Belle said they were gonna tell me earlier, but things came up like the Coronation and my relationship." Bella explained as she studied the bedsheets.

"Sounds to me like they're using your life as an excuse for not telling you." Uma said before Bella nodded.

"Yeah, probably. I just wanted to see her. Get to know her a little bit, you know? Figure out how I'm like her and what I got from my dad. I don't know. I probably shouldn't have come." Bella said with a shrug.

"If I was you, Bella, I'd do the same thing." Uma said after she reached over and grabbed her hand.

"Did you just call me Bella?—for the first time since you met me?" Bella asked as she looked at Uma, who chuckled and nodded.

"Guess I did. Now get up and get dressed. We're gonna go find your mom." Uma said before she got up and left.

"Did Bella ever come home?" Evie asked after Ben and Baylee sat down at breakfast.

"No. I hoped she went to your dorm." Ben said.


"This is ridiculous. I can't find her!" Mal sighed as she sat down.

"Where'd you look?" Ben asked as Evie cut Baylee's food up for her.

"Everywhere! I checked all over school, her favorite spots. The boys and I even checked in town and some places around Auradon." Mal explained.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Ben asked as he looked at the blue haired girl sitting across from him.

"I decided to stay in case Bella went to our dorm." Evie said.

"Sissy's gone forever?" Baylee asked as she looked at the three teenagers.

"No, Pumpkin. We're gonna find her." Evie said before Jay sat down with an apple.

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