18. the fight

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"Guys, we have company

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"Guys, we have company." Gil sang as Mal, Evie, Ben, Jay, and Carlos walked to the docks.

"What are you doing here?" Uma asked as she looked at them.

"We thought you might've kidnapped B and we had a hunch of where you'd keep her." Mal said as she glanced at the ship.

"Don't be rude. Invite our guests onboard." Uma said before the group looked at each other and walked over.

"Where is she?"

"If you're looking for the old Bella, you're not gonna find her." Uma said with a smirk.

"What are you ta—?" Jay started before Bella walked out from one of the rooms, her red extensions still in her hair.


"Bel, come on. Let's go, babe." Carlos said as he held his hand out for her.

"—go where?"

"We're going back to Auradon." Carlos said as Bella leaned on one of the posts.

"You are. I'm not." Bella said before she started to mess with her rings.

"B, what are you ta—?"

"This is my home and this is where I'm staying." Bella said as she looked at them.

"B, you're not thinking right, babe. The Bella I know wouldn't come here unless she absolutely had a reason to." Carlos said after he walked closer to her.

"She's not going back with you, De Vil." Harry called as Carlos looked at him.

"Face it, Carlos. She's one of me now." Uma said with a smirk as she propped her elbow on Bella's shoulder.

"It can't be." Evie said after Bella shrugged Uma's elbow off of her.

"I can't believe it."

"You better believe it. Brother." Bella said with a smirk as she looked at him.

"Bells, I know you're upset with Mom and Dad, but if you come back with us, we can all talk it over. Do we have a deal?" Ben asked as he held his hand out after walking over to her.

"Mm. Nope." Bella smirked as she squeezed his hand, making him go to his knees in pain.

"When'd you get so strong?" Ben asked as he held his hand.


"B, what's he talking about?" Jay asked as Bella went to Uma's chair and sat down with her legs dangling over the side.

"Just the fact she's been lied to for the last seventeen years." Uma said before the VKs looked at Ben.

"Bella's adopted. She's the daughter of the Queen of Hearts." Ben explained before everyone looked at Bella.

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