35. the calm before the storm

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"Hey, El

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"Hey, El."

"Good morning, darling." Cora said after Bella walked onto the terrace, where she and Harry were having breakfast.

"Hi, Harry. Hi, Mom. Sorry. Jay and Gil's farewell went over just a tad. Ooh. Fruit." Bella said as she grabbed the bowl and sat down.

"Darling, what would you like to do today?" Cora asked before she took a sip of her coffee.

"I kinda wanted to meet Hannah, Henry, and Dad if that's okay." Bella said sheepishly before she took a sip of her juice.

"Of course it's okay, dear. We'll go once we're done." Cora said with a small smirk.

"Here we are. Looks the same as it did all those years ago." Cora said before she knocked on the door of the small castle.

"Cora, what are you doing here?" Hook asked after he opened the door, surprised to see his ex wife.

"I'm not here for you, James. Someone else is." Cora said before she moved out of the way.

Bella shared a glance with Harry before looking at the man in front of her. To say that she resembled her father was an understatement. James and Bella Hook looked almost exactly alike, besides the hair color. They had the same eye color, the same jaw structure, and the same sprinkle of light freckles across their noses and cheeks. Hook gave a confused look to his ex wife before looking at the girl behind her.

"Who? Bella?"

"Hi, Dad." Bella said with a small smile before Hook pulled her into a hug.

"Look at you. You're so grown up! Hi, kiddo." Hook said as he looked at Harry, who gave a wave.

"Hi, Dad."

"You wanna see your brother and sister, don't you? Henry! Hannah!" Hook called after he let Cora and his children in.

"What? Bella!" Hannah said with a smile as she ran and hugged her sister.

"Mom? We thought you were dead." Henry said after he gave Bella a hug.

"Why do all of my children think I'm dead?" Cora asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, you never came back after you and Bel went to Auradon. We didn't know what happened." Henry said, earning nods from his brother and sister.

"I had to go into hiding, dear. Darling, I'm gonna leave you here for the day. Have fun. Goodbye, my dears!" Cora called before she left the castle.

"She hasn't changed."

"So what's it like being queen? Is it as wonderful as Mom and the fairytales made it seem?" Hannah asked as she sat on the couch and held her sister's hands.

"It's interesting." Bella said with a small chuckle.

"Do you get to wear fancy dresses?—and pretty crowns? What about the jewelry?" Hannah asked before Henry put a hand on her shoulder.

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