25. uma and the boys

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"No. No, I want the Auradon Guard handing out gas masks. Well, not everyone's asleep. Find out if anyone has seen Audrey and find out if she has a list of demands." Ben said before he sighed and sat down.

"Just one: I demand my life back. I have a proposition. I'll wake everybody up right now under one itty bitty condition, Benny Boo. Make me your queen and we'll rule side by side." Audrey said after she appeared in Ben's room.

"Did someone put a spell on you? Just tell me who and—" Ben started.

"—and you'll what?—marry them? Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough. I wasn't bad enough. How do you like me now, Benny Boo?" Audrey asked before she twirled.

"I like the old Audrey better. She wouldn't wanna hurt Auradon. Just give me the scepter and I'll forgive you." Ben said before Audrey scoffed.

"You'll forgive me? I don't think so. Sleeping is too good for you. Sleeping is too good for Auradon." Audrey said before she cast another spell on Ben and Auradon.

"Alright. Get in, get out. Jay, you're good?" Bella asked as she glanced at him.


"Okay, hold on." Mal said before Jay pressed the button to make the barrier disappear.

"Whoa. You got a little Hades thing going on." Evie said as she gestured to Mal's hair, which now had blue highlights.


"That thing packs a punch, huh?" Carlos asked as Mal nodded.

"We made it, bro!" Gil said after he and Harry jumped through the barrier before it could close.

"We made it! Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit." Harry said before Carlos and Jay got in front of Mal, Bella, and the ember while Evie got in front of Celia and Baylee.

"Come on. Hey, hey." Jay said before the boys bumped into Mal, making her drop the ember into the ocean.


"Drop something?" Uma asked after she appeared out of the water, holding the ember.

"It can't get wet. Give it back before it goes out." Mal said as she held her hand out.


"That's my name." Uma said with a smirk as she waved.


"Hi, boys." Uma said after she appeared on the bridge.

"Welcome back."

"Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us." Gil said after he and Harry hugged Uma.

"Yeah, planning her revenge no doubt." Bella said as she rolled her eyes.

"It's not all about you, Songbird. I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out. You know what I found, boys? It's way better out there than we thought. There's this that looks like a furry rock called a coconut and fish so big, you could dance on their backs. They've been keeping it all for themselves." Uma said as she looked at the VKs.

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